Monday, April 27, 2015

SOAP 04/27/2015; Joshua 20:1-2

Today's reading: Joshua 20

S) "Then the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying, 'Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, "Designate the cities of refuge, of which I spoke to you through Moses,"'"

Joshua 20:1-2  (NASB)

O) The "cities of refuge," were designated cities (six were specified here) where a person could flee if he was guilty of involuntary manslaughter. After a priest would hear his case, if no premeditation was found, and no hatred of the deceased, then this manslayer was protected from anyone seeking vengeance. While studying Numbers 35:25, I noted how much grace there is, that the LORD considers our intent, even when our behavior was indeed wrong. When I studied Deuteronomy 19:9, I noted how important it is that we reflect God's merciful character. Now, reading this again but from Joshua's fulfillment of this command, we can see one more element to this: God's timing. Following through the book of Joshua, we see him invade the Promised Land, conquer the alliance of kings to the north and south, divide up the Land between the tribes, then designate the cities of refuge. In terms of establishing new regulations for this nation of His people, one of God's first priorities was establishing these cities of refuge. These cities would impact lives in a very real way, and the LORD knew how quickly they would be needed.

A) God has perfect timing and I do not. Once upon a time, I played the drums a lot. I had pretty good rhythm, but ironically, I have not always had the best timing, or time management, in my life. This has created some awkward social interactions, discipline at various jobs, and generally landed me in some hot water. I have learned lessons through a lot of those mistakes, but one thing I can never have is God's perfect timing. For that, I rely completely on the Holy Spirit to lead me. The real conviction that I have in reading this verse, though, has to do with delaying when God commands my obedience. If I feel called to do something, why should I ever delay? God has perfect timing, but what if He is leading me to obey and I am not obeying when He is commanding? The last thing I want is to mess up the timing of things, and have someone mistakenly think God has messed up the timing, based on my own delayed obedience (which may actually simply be called disobedience).

P) Father, Your name is holy and good. You are perfect in Your timing, compassion, and commands. The last thing I want is for someone to think You have not heard their prayers because I am disobedient, or delayed. Please forgive me for my selfishness, laziness, and disobedience to Your will. I often pray for Your will to be done, but perhaps I ought to also pray for me to immediately do Your will. Help me to bear a burden of remembering those who might need my obedience. Let me be convicted by the knowledge that to delay in obeying is to put Your holy name at risk of profanity. Let Your will be done, and let me do it without delay. Be glorified in my life, by my obedience. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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