S) "2 She heeded no voice,
She accepted no instruction.
She did not trust in the Lord,
She did not draw near to her God."
Zephaniah 3:2 (NASB)
O) There are some places in the Bible, where there are things listed that seem unbalanced. What it makes clear, is that God's way of seeing things is not the same as ours. This is one such list. This verse is about a tyrannical city, which is revealed to be Jerusalem. It is easy to conceive that the nation would not trust in the LORD (and turned to idols instead) and would not draw near to God (and drew near to idols instead) and that justified the wrath of God. But, this verse doesn't start with that. This verse starts with the fact, that these people would not heed the voice of warning, and would not accept instruction. This was a progressive rebellion. This verse shows us why certain prophets were told to go and speak the words of the LORD, despite being told that the people would not accept them (see Jeremiah 7:27). God is slow to anger, patient, great in lovingkindness and compassion. His will is for reconciliation and restoration, but through repentance. It starts with open ears, to hear His voice, and being teachable and able to receive correction. Except for the humble remnant (see v.12 and on), this nation would not listen to the voice of the LORD, they would not accept the warnings and corrective instructions of the prophets. They would not trust the LORD during the siege of Jerusalem, and they refused to come to the God alone. Their guilt in these areas was progressive, drawing the wrath of God.
A) Well, working backward, I must draw near to my God. I must trust in the LORD. I must accept instruction (from the Bible as well as biblical instruction from brothers and sisters in Christ). I must seek to hear His voice (through prayer, through the Bible, through other believers who may be speaking His truth to me). God is not deceptive; He is quite the opposite. God wants to discipline me, make me grow, and bring me to maturity. He is not trying to trick me along the way, either. Everything I need to live a life of godliness is given plainly in the Word, because that is where I gain true knowledge of Jesus Christ (see 2 Peter 1:3). Listen to the Word. Be teachable. Trust in the LORD. Draw near to God.
P) Father, You are so good to me. You are gracious and full of lovingkindness. While I was still a sinner, You were calling to me. When I listened, I saw that I was a sinner, and I accepted Your instruction and repented from my sins. I learned to trust in You alone, and seek You at all times. Even still, I confess that I have not always done these four things well. I repent of that today, and thank You for the forgiveness I have in Jesus Christ. By the Holy Spirit within me, please continue to discipline me, however You will. I humble myself before You, Lord. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.