Saturday, December 19, 2015

SOAP 12/19/2015; Psalm 148:11-12

Today's reading: John 5, 6*

S) "11 Kings of the earth and all peoples;
Princes and all judges of the earth;
12 Both young men and virgins;
Old men and children."

Psalm 148:11-12 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Psalm 148

O) In this song, all of creation is called to praise the LORD. Angels and heavenly beings, everything in space (and "waters that are above the heavens" which are not clouds... that's a mystery; see vv.4, 8), all earthly creatures, including sea monsters, beasts, bugs, and birds. The non-sentient things of this world, like mountains and trees. Then, perhaps the most poignant, is the inclusion of the elements in this call to worship. In verse 8, fire, hail, snow, clouds, and wind are all called to praise God as well. So, in this call to praise, the psalmist is including virtually everything that has been created. In the poetic hyperbole, there isn't anything excepted from this call. So finally, in the above verses, humanity is called to praise Him. In these two verses, not every kind of person is described. However, just like so many examples of various things from creation are named to indicate the all-inclusive call, eight different kinds of people are named in these two verses, to indicate that it is every single person, every type of person, that is called to praise the LORD. No one is excluded from praising God.

A) Without reading this psalm, I would certainly still be feel called to praise the LORD. I don't praise God because the Bible tells me to praise Him. God has opened my eyes to see all of the glorious ways He has been at work in my life. Although I don't always see it coming, He has made it clear that His hand has been upon me. He has revealed Himself to me through my own past, this has become my testimony of Him. He is faithful and good. He provides and heals. He answers my prayers. This is not to say that He would be any less deserving of praise if He had not done these things for me. After all, if even the most unchanged things in creation have cause to praise Him just for being created (like a star), then how could I be any less obligated to praise? But, the truth remains that He has been so good to me, too! So, I will praise Him, not only because of His relationship to me (and with me, but He instigated the relationship, so it was first to me), but also simply because I am His creation. I am His workmanship, and part of my purposeful design was to give the LORD my praise.

P) Father, You are holy, righteous and merciful. You are perfect in Your justice and Your faithfulness. You are glorious, and deserving of every praise from every form of Your creations! I know that I can praise You with my words, whether in song, or prayer, or testimony. But I also want to give You praise with my behavior, Lord. Please continue to discipline me as a son, that I would keep learning to live a life of obedience, repentance, forgiveness, and love. Help me to be generous, kind, peaceable, and joyful. Please give me wisdom and understanding, patience and contentment. All of this, God, to Your glory and praise. Whether in famine or feasting, whether in wealth or poverty, whether in sickness or in health, in everything, let me praise You with my lips and with my life. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

Friday, December 18, 2015

SOAP 12/18/2015; Psalm 147:16-18

Today's reading: John 2, 3, 4*

S) "16 He gives snow like wool;
He scatters the frost like ashes.
17 He casts forth His ice as fragments;
Who can stand before His cold?
18 He sends forth His word and melts them;
He causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow."

Psalm 147:16-18 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Psalm 147

O) This is all about the balance and provision of God. This is not a scientific breakdown of precipitation cycle, or seasons changing. The psalmist is reminding us of God's sovereignty, because no one can stop a winter storm. At the same time, even the Ice Age had an end to it because, as this psalm reveals, God has a plan for His creation. In the poetry of this time period, it's also worth noting that there was no artificial way to create ice and snow. That is not to say that mankind is closing the gap on God's omnipotence, though. There is no real measure of His greatness, we can only find new analogies to explain how much greater He is than us.

A) Like many passages about God's nature, these verses serve to humble me, and to help me see my place in creation more clearly. In view of the raw power exhibited in nature, I am completely impotent. All of mankind is. For millennia, mankind has strived to bend nature to our will, and in the grand scope of things, we haven't really changed what happens on this planet (at least, not for the better). So, I must acknowledge my place, as I also acknowledge God's place, in the creation around me.
It also wouldn't hurt to pray for a white Christmas, since it's only a week away.

P) Father, Your greatness is beyond compare. The vastness of Your magnitude can't really be understood. I can only find examples to show vast differences between my realm of influence and Yours. I can make ice cubes in my freezer, You can freeze cities. I can defrost chicken in a microwave, You can melt glaciers. God, this is all reminding me how small I am, and how much more amazing I see Your grace to be. In all of Your greatness, You still care for me. Thank You, Father. Also, because I know that You are sovereign, I trust in Your will. I also know You can give me the desires of my heart, and like a kid approaching Christmas day, I would enjoy a white one. So, if it's Your will, please give us snow this Christmas, Lord. Either way, help us to keep our focus on the reason for this season. Be glorified. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

SOAP 12/17/2015; Psalm 146:9

Today's reading: 2 Peter 1, 2, 3; John 1*

S) "The Lord protects the strangers;
He supports the fatherless and the widow,
But He thwarts the way of the wicked."

Psalm 146:9 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Psalm 146

O) There are four people mentioned in this verse, and the LORD looks quite different to the one, than to the other three. God protecting the stranger can also be translated "keeps the sojourner." This is a very common concept that God continually brought up with His people. They were, since the days of Abraham, strangers in another people's land. This is why the Promised Land was such a big deal to them, to have a country of their own. Of course, that is also allegorical, because believers are not of this world, sojourners in this creation, as we await the new heavens and new earth. The support He gives to the fatherless, has direct impact on every human in existence, because all of us have failures for fathers. Even the best dads will have serious shortcomings, because we are all sin-corrupted people. However, this is also why it is so vital that we recognize God as Father, because He will restore what is lost there. The same is true in the widow analogy. Jesus, being the perfect bridegroom to the church, is taking up the cause of people who's covenant was broken by death. All three of these people groups are, in their own ways, representative of the church. And then there is the wicked. Thank God, that He thwarts their ways. In the end, we know that God will bring every evil to a just ending, but even in the meantime, there are unseen evils that God frustrates. There are wicked plans that never come to fruition, for no other reason than that God intervenes.

A) This verse immediately reminded me of the Third Day song, "Alien" which I loved so much in high school (and now, for that matter). This verse is a strong reminder, if I meditate on it, of the deep and varied ways God has treated me with grace beyond compare. In a very real way, growing up (and even now), I was practically fatherless. So, I learned that I needed God to be my Father. The practical impact in my life is hard to define sometimes, but that lifelong learning process has been worth it. God is everything I could ever need, or want, in a dad. As a stranger (sojourner or alien), this verse reminds me not to get attached to this world. This is not my home, so I should not be rooted to the things of this world. I seek a different home, a heavenly home, an eternal home. As a widow... this one is the hardest for me to conceptualize (because I'm a husband according to the flesh?). But, when I remember that marriage itself, is really a type or shadow of the covenant that God has with His church, I begin to see it more clearly. The point is that I had no one to take up my cause. No one to be eternally vested in my wellbeing. I was a dependent being with no one to depend on. God changed all of this for me. And, how did He do it? By thwarting my wicked ways in the first place. These are all the reasons I could ever need, to fully devote myself to Him.

P) Father, I was the alien, the fatherless, and the widow. I was a stranger, waiting to find my true home. I was an orphan, without a dad to raise me and guide me. I was a widow, with no benefactor, no partner, no one to support me. I was the wicked man, with plans for evil. But, in Your amazing grace, You thwarted my plans. You brought me into a covenant. You became my Father. You gave me citizenship in Your kingdom. God, this is so good, and I praise You for this grace. Thank You for being everything I needed You to me. I needed mercy, and You gave it. I needed rescue, and You delivered. I needed provision, and You sustained me. I needed relationship, and You loved me. You are glorious in Your goodness. Thank You God. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

SOAP 12/16/2015; Psalm 141:2

Today's reading: 1 Peter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5*

S) "May my prayer be [a]counted as incense before You;
The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering."

Psalm 141:2 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Psalm 141

O) This is a song of deliverance, with David asking God to hear him and save him from evil men, but also from himself. I left the footnote for the word "counted," because the literal translation is the word "fixed," which actually seems to make more sense, too. Incense was supposed to be continually burning in the temple. So, David was saying that he needed help that his prayers would be continually before God, like the incense is. And, the lifting of his hands like the evening offering, again, seems to be a note about regularity of worship. The evening offering was given daily, without exception. David seemed to be noting that he wanted a life of continual prayer and daily worship to God.

A) While raising my hands in worship is not uncommon, I must admit it is not daily. While I pray everyday, even a few times everyday, I certainly know that it is not constant or "without ceasing" (see 1 Thessalonians 5:17). But, the example David gives me is actually a step further than setting a goal of continual prayer and daily worship. David gave an example of asking God for help in this. So, in addition to being instructive, this verse is also just a prayer that I can repeat. This is exactly the same thing I can ask God.

P) Father, may my prayer be fixed as incense before You; the lifting up of my hands as the evening offering. I want to pray more to You. More than when I study the Bible, or eat a meal, or tuck my kids into bed. I want to be praying at through every stressful situation, and in every blessed moment, and every point in between. I want to worship You, in spirit and in truth, more often than Sunday mornings. I want to have a life of worship, of daily humility that acknowledges Your holiness and might, and Your sovereignty and mercy. In humble confession, let me lift my hands in worship everyday. Be glorified, as I continue to grow in maturity in my relationship with You. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

SOAP 12/15/2015; James 5:16

Today's reading: James 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

S) "16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."

James 5:16 (NASB)

O) For a long time, I saw this verse used in Pentecostal churches as an instruction on faith and physical healing. Unfortunately, I have also heard this verse abused, when a person was not healed and then accused of having secret sins that they needed to confess. Certainly, in the verses prior to this one (vv.14-15), there are indications that the sickness mentioned is physical. And, there is a link between healing and forgiveness. However, in the prior verses, the order is reversed from the verse above. Earlier, the order is:
There is no mention of confession at all. Forgiveness follows healing (similar to examples like Matthew 9:1-7). But, in the above verse, there is a change in order and instruction. In the above verse, the order is:
It is notable that the above verse starts with the word, "Therefore," so there is certainly reference backward, to previous verses. I think James makes it clear that praying for physical healing is something we should do. However, I do not necessarily think that confession and physical healing are linked. After all, there are myriad examples of God healing people who have not apparently confessed sins. It would seem, then, that James is referring back to something else regarding confession. Throughout his whole letter, he admonishes the church about a number of sins. He is very clear on the need for right actions, right attitudes, pairing faith with good works, keeping speech clean, etc. However, the only place where he really says anything about confession, is in the above verse. A few verses later, there is a reference to repentance (vv.19-20), but that's it. On the other hand, if we consider the other biblical implications of sickness and death being spiritual (see Psalm 41:4 and Ephesians 2:1-7), and healing and resurrection being spiritual, and the role that confession and repentance plays with that restoration and regeneration, then we can read the above verse and see a very direct link between confession and healing.

A) For a long time, I resisted the idea of confessing sins to other people. I think that may have come from a misguided dislike for catholic mandates (i.e., the command to confess sins to a priest, who then tells you what rites must be performed). However, as God has matured me, I have come to better understand the important role that confession plays, in particular when it comes to accountability, bondage to sins, and the healing and regeneration that must take place in the heart. Certainly, God can heal me and free me from a particular proneness to sins, divinely, without any interactions with other people. However, that certainly seems to be the rarity. What is much more common is that God takes us through a process of growth and maturity. When I find myself sinning frequently, especially when I am struggling with the same sin over and over, in a short period, it becomes clear rather quickly that I am not making progress on my own. This tends to be because of a deep-seated brokenness of some kind. That should then be the aim of my prayers. That is where the prayers of others becomes invaluable. When I have had a physical need of some kind, I did not hesitate to ask for prayer from other men that I know, trust, and respect. When I have had a spiritual request, like the salvation of family members, nothing stops me from seeking prayer from others. So, why would I ever hesitate to ask for prayer about sins I find myself committing? That makes no sense, except where shame, pride, and the enemy are manipulating me. Understanding that this verse isn't (only) about physical healing, makes it clear that confessing sins to my brothers is absolutely vital to my freedom and spiritual health and growth. Despite really knowing this for several years, I haven't always believed it (i.e., I haven't always done it). More recently, I have made particular efforts to confess my sins, though, and seek prayer and spiritual healing. Though it has borne fruit, it remains difficult because it has not been a regular practice for me, through most of my Christian life. However, I know that it will become easier and easier (as with all spiritual disciplines) the more I do this on a regular basis.

P) Father, Your grace being what it is, I know that I don't earn anything. There are no transactions in our relationship. I was spiritually dead and You resurrected me. I was spiritually sick and You healed me. I know that I'm not made perfect, yet. I am in the process of sanctification. I also have come to learn the importance of confessing my sins to my brothers. Even still, it is hard sometimes, God. I ask that Your grace would continue to propel me to a life of obedience and growth, though. Help me to build on the discipline I have received, to be quicker to confess my sins and seek prayer and spiritual healing. Let me also be sensitive to the prayer needs of others, whether those needs are physical or spiritual in nature. In Your grace, You have given us a rich way of life, if only we would walk in it. Help me to recognize Your ways as better, Lord. I know Your ways are good. Don't let me be deceived, scared, or ashamed. Thank You for the grace I continue to find in You. Be glorified in my life. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

SOAP 12/14/2015; Psalm 140:8

Today's reading: Hebrews 12, 13; Jude 1*

S) "Do not grant, O LORD, the desires of the wicked;
Do not promote his evil device, that they not be exalted. Selah."

Psalm 140:8 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Psalm 140

O) There are many (almost certainly most) psalms, that ask for God to destroy the wicked. Many times, this is specific to a particular enemy that the people were facing at that time (whether it's a psalm of David, facing a warring neighbor, or the exiles facing eradication, etc.). Even in this psalm, the verses that follow the one above are asking God to vindicate His people. Whenever we read verses that ask for that kind of destruction, we must remember the context is different. Nowhere in the New Testament, do we find examples of God's people seeking the destruction of their enemies. Jesus preached quite the opposite. But, in the verse above, we see a glimpse of a better way. While it is not okay to seek the annihilation of our enemies now, we should absolutely pray that their desires are not granted. Certainly, this is in line with God's will, because He does not wish for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. Receiving what their evil hearts desire would only prolong, encourage, and exalt that wickedness. Furthermore, when that wickedness is carried to its final conclusion, that would mean the destruction of those who practice those evil devices. That should not be my desire (as it is not truly God's either). So, praying that the wicked are not granted their evil desires, would be an act of grace to them, and possibly a first step toward God.

A) Certainly, this should be the prayer of my heart in confrontation with enemies (of the gospel, of peace, of righteousness, etc.). When I was living a selfish life, I was a hedonist for all intents and purposes. If I was allowed every evil desire of my wicked heart at that time, it would have meant my certain destruction. It would have been terrible for me. The heart of a good father desires good things for his children. He does not simply give his children whatever they desire. If they desire something evil, a good dad will not give it to them. This is the heart behind this prayer. I am asking God, in His grace, to treat evil people as His children. This is not always the case. We can see many examples in Scripture (even in the New Testament) of God allowing people to have their sinful desires, to their destruction. So, for me to love my enemies, and certainly anyone I love who is not an enemy of mine, but still an enemy of God (who is rightly still called my enemy, then), it would be absolutely right for me to adopt this prayer for them.

P) Father, in Your grace, You did not grant me the evil desires I had. That was partly how You drew me back into a right relationship with You. Father God, I ask that You also do not grant the desires of the wicked whom I love. Do not promote their evil devices, that they will not be exalted. Frustrate their evil plans, that they would realize the futility of wickedness. Let them be drawn instead, to the goodness of Your light. Be glorified in my life, that they might see my life as an example of Your grace and mercy, love, peace, and joy. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

SOAP 12/13/2015; Psalm 134:3

Today's reading: Hebrews 9, 10, 11*

S) "May the Lord bless you from Zion,
He who made heaven and earth."

Psalm 134:3 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Psalm 134

O) This is a very short Psalm, that opens with an encouragement to the ministers at the temple, that they should bless the LORD in worship (vv.1-2). Then, this closes with a prayer, that God would bless those who minister at the temple. Particularly, this psalm mentions those who serve at night. Anyone with a family, who has ever worked a graveyard shift, understands that the hours worked, that alone is difficult, regardless of the actual requirements of the job. This verse is a blessing for those who have the most difficult shift at the temple, if you will.

A) There are a lot of ways that I serve God. Perhaps the most direct way, is when I am serving others. With that in mind, I do not consider the things I do to serve Him, to be all together that difficult. However, I know that there are much, much more difficult ways to serve God, and that people are doing them right now (and will be tonight). This verse is a reminder to pray for those servants of God.

P) Father, please bless Your servants, who tirelessly seek to serve You by serving others. Please bless those, especially those, who serve You at the most difficult times, all through the night. I know there are nurses, who want to share Your love and comfort to suffering patients, all through a graveyard shift, while they have families that miss them at home in beds. I know that there are pastors, who will receive phone calls and texts in the middle of the night, who will respond to emergencies and prayer requests, despite having already spent a whole day ministering to others. Please bless these servants, God. Bless them with the strength of Zion, that holy mountain that stood in immovable strength. Be glorified through these tireless servants, and bless them according to Your name. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

SOAP 12/12/2015; Hebrews 6:4-6

Today's reading: Hebrews 5, 6, 7, 8

S) "For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame."

Hebrews 6:4-6 (NASB)

O) This is a very difficult passage to grapple. On the one hand, it uses a very clear term, saying that these backsliders (if you will) are impossible to renew. This is very clear, very strong language. Even still, it is imperative that two things are kept in mind, when reading this passage. First of all, we need to remember that the writer is speaking to an audience. He is telling actual people about the impossibility of a task (renewing them again to repentance). So, the real pivot is on the verb, and discovering who is renewing. If the writer meant that God could not renew someone, that something was impossible for God, then that contradicts a great many scriptures. That cannot be what is meant in this passage. However, if the writer meant that it was impossible for his audience to renew the people that are described above... that's different isn't it? The second thing that is critical to remember, though, is that we are promised that nothing is impossible for us, if God is with us in the doing of it. After all, if God is for us, who can be against us? With man things are impossible, but with God all things are possible. Even the very act of repentance is infused with grace from God that is inseparable from the action of the person repenting. So, as dire as the above situation looks (from our impotent perspective), nothing is ever dire from the perspective of the omnipotent, sovereign, and mighty God.

A) This passage is nevertheless very difficult for me to read. Primarily, this is for two reasons. The first reason, is because of the open shame that is put to Jesus Christ, when this kind of person falls away. The second reason is because I was this person. There can be no doubt about my relationship with God by the time I was seventeen. I was attending church regularly, serving on the worship team. I was trying to fellowship with men who were fervent about their walk with God. I was baptized in water. I was praying in the Spirit. I was trying to worship and read my Bible everyday. Even with all of that, there came a time that I slowly fell away. I brought open shame to Jesus Christ, because I was no longer repenting from my sins. I was no longer submitting to His authority in obedience. I was suppressing the truth, and ignoring His voice. I was hardening my heart. This hurts to acknowledge, but I am not defeated. I was not defeated. I remember getting a phone call one evening, from a younger man that I had been discipling when I was in high school. He had heard that I was not living for God. He called me, challenging me about it. I completely shut down the conversation. It was impossible for him to renew me to repentance. I remember brief, quiet conversations with my brother, where he shared truth and hope and love with me, but it was impossible for him to renew me to repentance. However, years later, the Holy Spirit completely crushed me. God drew me back to repentance, revealing to me the futility of my thinking, and the destruction of my lifestyle. God renewed me to repentance. It is exactly because of my own experience, that I always carry hope, that there is not anyone who is beyond saving. Yes, it is true that my own actions may not be able to renew someone to repentance. But, is it ever my own actions alone? It will always depend on the ministry that only comes from the Holy Spirit. After all, no one comes to God unless they are called. While I share a responsibility to preach the gospel, and to share the love of Jesus, it is never going to be on my shoulders to renew someone to repentance. That is still going to be through God. While I may still have the joy of participation, that God may include me to draw someone into repentance (whether it happens all at once or takes time, like with the men who had prayed for me all the while I was fallen away), I have hope. I do not have hope in my abilities. I do not have hope in other people. I have hope in God.

P) Father, there are many loved ones in my life, who have fallen away. I know that my own hands are feeble, to renew them to repentance. However, You are all powerful. I know that Your word says it is not Your will for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. So Lord, I pray for my loved ones, that You would renew them to repentance. It is impossible for me, but for You all things are possible. Thank You for the renewal that I received. Thank You for convicting me everyday, and drawing me into repentance even still. Please let me be ever submissive to Your will. Be glorified in my life, by my testimony of Your goodness. Please continue building testimonies to Your grace in the lives of those I love. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

SOAP 12/11/2015; Hebrews 4:12

Today's reading: Philemon 1; Hebrews 1, 2, 3, 4

S) "12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Hebrews 4:12 (NASB)

O) There are a few basic things to take from this verse. First, the word of God must be defined. Certainly we can take the Bible as the word of God. Certainly, Paul considered the Old Testament Scripture to be the word of God (see 2 Timothy 3:16). And, there are many references between the apostles of Jesus, that the words they spoke carried the authority of Christ Himself, that they were being used to speak the words of God. This is in line with what Jesus foretold, when He said the Holy Spirit would give words to speak. Lastly, there is the direct concept that God can still speak to us today, right into our hearts, or through others. When we read the context of the previous few verses (especially v.7, but even back to ch.3), we see that the writer isn't specific about how the voice of God is "heard," but only what to do when it is "heard." From this point, we need to examine what the word of God is doing in the verse above. The first thing, is that it is living and active. This does not mean that the word of God changes. This means that the word of God is not stagnant. The word of God is not archaic. The word of God is always applicable. The word of God is always relevant. The word of God is always effective, when it is heard and we do not harden our hearts (again, see v.7). Then, we see a description in the verse above, that helps us to recognize when we have heard to word of God (as opposed to some other kind of external voice, audible or otherwise). The word of God is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. This is a matter of truth. How it does that, is with a precision and detailed specificity unlike anything else we encounter. The conviction of the Holy Spirit within us is carefully controlled by God, unlike our own doubts, or the accusations of others. It is very easy to recognize and categorize external sins. When a person steals, it is outwardly obvious. Those kinds of sins are already defined in Scripture for us. It is clear that loving your wife does not include adultery, and therefore that is always sin. But, what about sinful thoughts? This is where the word of God, in terms of the inner man being convicted, becomes unmistakable it its characteristics. When God is convicting, He is able (and does) to judge the difference between a sinful temptation (thought) and a sin in our heart (intent). This is what Jesus described when He described committing adultery in the heart, of hatred being the same as murder. The word of God is living and active within every believer. The word of God is living and active every time Scripture is read. The word of God is living and active, because in the heart of a believer, God is showing us the truth of a situation to us. He is rightly judging us, here and now, and as we read in the passages before this, it is up to the hearer to not harden his heart.

A) There was something of a debate in my head about which verse to highlight in this chapter. On the one hand, v.7 includes very clear instruction about how to apply the verse above. Do not harden my heart. That's a pretty clear application. Also, the end of this chapter teaches me to seek Jesus in prayer, in the face of temptation or in the aftermath of sin. Even though those two elements are so vital, I can still apply just this above verse to my life, simply by exposing myself to the truth of its claim. By staying grounded in the Bible everyday, I am exposing myself to the word of God. In a sense, I am asking God to put me under the knife, spiritually. I want God to perform a heart surgery, every time I open my Bible. I need Him to show me the errors of my heart. In everyday life, even when I am not in Bible study, I need to be in prayer. I need to ask God to convict me throughout the day, to show me my errors (both in deed and in my heart). It will only be by the word of God, that I can ever correctly diagnose my day. Without properly seeing my life, in view of the word of God and His judgment, then I will never become the servant of God I want to be. I will not be able to effectively represent the gospel to others. I will not be able to lead my wife and kids, and minister to others, if I am not exposing myself to the words of God everyday, through both Scripture and prayer. Then the word of God will be living and active, and effective in my life.

P) Father, the grace at work in the way You relate to creation is humbling. You spoke, and Your words brought existence. Then, You spoke to Your creation, revealing Your grace and love. Your plan was given with words. Then, when sin entered the world, Your words again brought conviction. But, not conviction alone. You spoke the consequences, but You also spoke hope and resolution. On and on through history, You spoke to Your creation. You spoke to Your servants, and Your prophets, and Your people. You spoke in a loud thunderous voice. You spoke in a whisper. You spoke by a donkey. You spoke through a letter. Your words, God, have been at work through the ages. Then, at the time You told it would be, Your word became flesh and dwelt with us. Even after Jesus died and was buried, and was resurrected and ascended, Your word remained with us. This is amazing grace, that even today, I can know Your words. God, I invite Your judgment in my life today. Let Your word be living and active within my heart, today. Judge my thoughts and intentions. Convict me where I am guilty. I confess that my heart is broken, God. Please heal me as I repent of my sins. Redirect my life in obedience to Your words. Let Your will be done in my life, both today and everyday. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.