Wednesday, December 28, 2016

SOAP 12/28/2016; Romans 5:17

Today's reading: Revelation 5, 6, 7, 8, 9*
S) "17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ."

Romans 5:17 (NASB)
*This verse was highlighted before I kept these entries online, so I wrote a new entry

O) This is such a beautiful juxtaposition between the reign of death and the reign of life. Through Adam's sin, death entered humanity. We were all under the cruel rule of death. But, through the righteous, obedient actions of Jesus, life has replaced death. Not only that, but under sin, we were only oppressed, subjected to the reign of death. On the contrary, by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ, we are not only given the gift of life, but that abundant grace also has us reigning in life! It's still a mystery, how exactly that plays out in the resurrection with Christ, but no matter what, it's immeasurably better. This is true to God's character, though, that His blessings are always greater than we deserve, but often greater than we could imagine. Not only are we no longer subjected to the cruel reign of death, and simply put into life, but we are given the opportunity to reign in life through Jesus Christ.

A) First, this is cause for simple thanksgiving. Second, like many promises I have in Christ, I must make efforts to keep this promise in mind. It is especially true, when I am struggling - struggling with sin, struggling to find peace, struggling to keep joy. Remembering God's love for me, and the ways He has expressed it in His grace, promised throughout the Bible, this is the cure for so many of my ails. His promises to me are based on what Christ has done, and that will not change. If I am in Christ, then I am made righteous, and I receive the gifts He has given in that abundant grace.

P) Father, thank You for Your unchanging character. Thank You for the promises You have given me in Christ Jesus. Lord God, let me remain humble and strive for obedience, not in order to earn Your  blessings, but as a response to the blessings You have already given me in Jesus. Open my eyes and ears, and give me wisdom and understanding. I want to more fully grasp Your love for me, and the wonder of the gospel. Help me to keep this in mind more often, to dwell on the wonders of Your grace. Be glorified in my life, Lord. Let Your will be done. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.