Friday, November 4, 2011

SOAP 11/04/2011; Mark 15:29-30

Today's reading: Job 26,27; Mark 15,16

S) "29 Those passing by were hurling abuse at Him, wagging their heads, and saying, 'Ha! You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, 30 save Yourself, and come down from the cross!'"

Mark 15:29-30 (NASB)

O) My initial thought was that it seems terribly common, lately, to hear non-believers trying to quote Scripture. I hear them use verses out of context or simply misquoting them, which leads to all sorts of  misunderstandings. Then I quickly realized that plenty of believers do this same thing. It's so important that we take the Word as a whole, that we study it, that we are careful to really read it and meditate on it ourselves, instead of taking other people's word for it.

A) Jesus spoke in parables often, and the rest of the Bible has plenty of mysteries; however, God will reveal His will through the Holy Spirit. He will show me, and anyone else, the keys to understanding His words as we seek Him out on it. I would be remiss if I simply read the Bible, and didn't also pray and ask God for wisdom to understand the Bible, also. I also need to be careful not to jump the gun, in thinking that God has missed His opportunity or that the time for His move has already passed. Clearly, Jesus wasn't finished at that point on the cross. The passers-by thought that was the end of it because they didn't understand what Jesus meant about the temple destruction and rebuilding.

P) Father, continue to unravel Your mysteries to me, Lord. I expect and appreciate that there will always be majestic mysteries about You, but thank You for revealing Your will to me through Scripture. Holy Spirit, continue to educate and edify me through the written Word. Speak to me using the Bible and let me never misunderstand what it is You're speaking to me, especially through the Bible. Give me patience and faith to believe Your promises, even when it seems like the time has passed on them. Help me stand upon Your Word. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

SOAP 11/03/2011; Mark 14:71-72

Today's reading: Job 25; Mark 13,14

S) "71 But he began to curse and swear, 'I do not know this man you are talking about!' 72 Immediately a rooster crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had made the remark to him, 'Before a rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.' And he began to weep."

Mark 14:71-72 (NASB)

O) So, I listened to this passage while I read it, and I think I gained a new perspective because of that. I never quite saw Peter's mindset during this denial, but now I think it's clear. If you skip back to vv.27-31, Peter says he won't "fall away" and he won't "deny [Him]" and Jesus tells him the rooster will crow twice... If you then follow the sequence of his 3 denials, Peter is denying his association with Jesus. He isn't turning his back on Jesus' teachings, or "falling away." He isn't denying that Jesus is the Messiah, or "denying Him." I think, up until that rooster crowed that second, foretold time, I think Peter may have thought he was still in the clear. I think when the rooster crowed the second time, he remembered Jesus' remarks, and he realized that what he had be doing was, in fact, denying Christ and falling away.

A) I've done this before. I have convinced myself that something is close to being a sin, but not "really" a sin. If I'm being honest, then most of the time when I might tell myself, "that was close" what I'm actually thinking is, "that was sin, but it was almost bad sin." Like, somehow, there are degrees of sins. Most Christians know that God sees all sin as the same, in terms of how they all separate us from Him. This is why a repentant liar needs the same grace and mercy that a repentant murderer does. But I have been guilty of separating degrees of the same sin. Like, "Yeah, I was letting my eye linger, but at least she wasn't naked." or something like, "I'm only acknowledging that I'm a better drummer; I'm not bragging to anyone." Jesus made it clear that sin in my heart is still sin. With God, there are no semantic arguments that will get me off the hook.

P) Father, please forgive me for all of my "almost-bad" sins. Holy Spirit, continue to convict me and reveal to me when I am about to, or have actually sinned. Like a rooster's first crowing in my head, warn me before I have to hear the second crowing. Thank You for forgiving me and leading me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

SOAP 11/02/2011; Mark 12:24

Today's reading: Job 23,24; Mark 11,12

S) "24 Jesus said to them, 'Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?'"

Mark 12:24 (NASB)

O) This one seems so simple and direct, but I don't want to dismiss it because it's not "deep." Misunderstanding the Scriptures or the power of God will cause me to be mistaken, when it comes to seeing what God has for me in the here and now.

A) First, keep doing what I am doing in reading and really digesting the Word on a daily basis. Second, and equally important, is putting myself in position to witness the power of God. Faith increases in both of these efforts as well, which really only raises my ability to see and hear God, in what He is doing now.

P) Father, I don't want to miss what You're saying. Give me open ears and open eyes, so I can hear and see what You're doing, Lord. Holy Spirit, continue to reveal more and more of what the Father has for me. God, I don't want the Gospel to be right in front of me and still miss it. I ask that You would bless me as I read the Bible, so that I am accustomed to tasting the truth. I ask that You reveal miracles to me, first hand, so that I am accustomed to experiencing Your power. Thank You for this grace I have. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

SOAP 11/01/2011; Mark 10:5-9

Today's reading: Psalms 121; Mark 9,10

S) "5 But Jesus said to them, 'Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. 7 FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, 8 AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.'"

Mark 10:5-9 (NASB)

O) God never wants divorce. When a man and woman marry, and become one flesh, that's essentially a new creation. God wants none of His creations destroyed. He doesn't want others to destroy them and He doesn't want self destruction. I know there are a lot of very difficult situations for women and men alike, in some marriages, but I don't think divorce is ever God's will. I know that in our country, divorce can be involuntary for one of the spouses, but that's just more reason why work must be done to heal and preserve the marriage. Really embracing the concept of "one flesh" I think is foundational; realizing that divorce is like ripping a person apart is powerful concept imagery.

A) I see too much divorce around me. It scares me a lot. I don't fear for my marriage in any immediate way, but I am reminded often that marriage cannot be taken for granted. I thank God that my marriage is strong, but I am well aware of how marriages can be destroyed. It's a slow fade and I can't be my own worst enemy. I have a fairly unique idea, that divorce is always the man's fault. God made the man the spiritual head of the wife; if I am loving her and leading her the way I should, then I will never have to worry about Kristin wanting a divorce, for any reason. So, I must be vigilent with my marriage. I need to be fully invested in it, enjoying its benefits while respecting the demands of my place in it. I need to commit myself to self-sacrifice for my wife, under any righteous circumstance.

P) Father, thank You for blessing my marriage. I realize that even my ability to be a good husband is a gift that You've given me in grace. Thank You for giving me such a wonderful wife, Lord. She is literally an answered prayer and, like all of the gifts You give, I don't deserve her. Please forgive me for the sins I've committed against You and Kristin and my marriage, God. Thank You for the grace that blesses despite my shortcomings. Holy Spirit, continue to give me insight and direction, discernment and courage to lead Kristin the way I should and to protect our marriage the way I must. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

SOAP 10/31/2011; Mark 8:24-26

Today's reading: Job 22; Mark 7,8

S) "24 And he looked up and said, 'I see men, for I see them like trees, walking around.' 25 Then again He laid His hands on his eyes; and he looked intently and was restored, and began to see everything clearly. 26 Jesus sent him home, saying, 'Don’t even go into the village.'"

Mark 8:24-26 (NASB)

O) So, in a fairly unique example, we see Jesus healing some one in non-immediate fashion. It's immediately evident that some healing takes place. The man can see men "like trees, walking around." so he has some blurry impression. I wonder how the man would have reacted, had Jesus left it at that... thankfully, Jesus is not in the business of partially healing people, partially freeing people, or partially redeeming people.

A) I initially chose this verse because it's a great example for us to pray in faith and to recognize that God will heal in stages, sometimes. It's good so that we aren't fooled into feeling like failures when we pray for a woman to be healed and God heals her cold, but she's still in a wheelchair. We can take the small victory and keep praying for the bigger miracle. But, in dwelling on the passage and typing out my thoughts, I really see that this is an example that the LORD is a God of completion. I don't want to be satisfied seeing men like trees. Especially, when I have a pressing need I want to press into God, strive in seeking Him, and sincerely push myself until I have received the miracle I need. I don't want to settle, and certainly not with God.

P) Father, I have seen the good work You have done in me, but don't let me be satisfied by half-miracles. In Philippians 1:6, Your Word says that You will finish the good work You started and I want to seek You out for that. I don't want to be easily satisfied. I will be content and I will be thankful, but I still want to see clearly, every blessing You have in store. Holy Spirit, open my ears to hear and my eyes to see, so that I do not miss what the Lord has for me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

SOAP 10/30/2011; Mark 6:4-5

Today's reading: Job 21; Mark 5,6

S) "4 Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household.' 5 And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them."

Mark 6:4-5 (NASB)

O) Just do it. That's the tagline of Nike and apparently one of the mottos used by Jesus. For years I had taken the "without honor / hometown" the wrong way. I used to kind of lament it. I was saddened that I felt it was a dooming sentence to failure. At certain, difficult times, I'd actually use it kind of like a cop-out, because I knew that it would be very difficult or emotionally costly to try and minister to loved ones. But, only within the last year or so, did I understand the implications of the rest of the short story we read about the homecoming King. Jesus still went. He knew full well that ministry in Nazareth would be very difficult and fairly unfruitful, but that didn't stop Him from going. Also, it wasn't a complete bust. While it wasn't the most successful stop, He did still accomplish all that the people would let Him accomplish (or, what their faith would let Him accomplish).

A) As I mentioned, I initially took this verse with some encouragement. It was showing me that it's okay that it's hard. But, this verse was never meant to be taken as a license for complacency. I still have a responsibility to speak the truth in love to my friends and family. I need to be aware that it can be difficult, being so close. But, I also need to be faithful to what God is still calling me to do, and where He's calling me to go. He has a plan; it's my job to obey and His job to produce the fruit.

P) Father, please give me strength and boldness to minister to family and friends. I fear rejection, God, and I also fear for my loved ones who do not serve You, Lord. I know that hell is real and scary. I know that we all deserve it. Holy Spirit, please reach out to my family and friends. Your Word says no one comes to the Father, except that the Spirt calls them. God, call them. Help me be faithful to do my part, even when it looks daunting. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

SOAP 10/29/2011; Mark 4:26-29

Today's reading: Job 20; Mark 3,4

S) "26 And He was saying, 'The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; 27 and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows—how, he himself does not know. 28 The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. 29 But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come'"

Mark 4:26-29 (NASB)

O) Don't get me wrong; I realize that we know, scientifically, how seeds produce crops. I think it's even somewhat likely that they knew, at least on some level, during this time. The analogy still works, though. Maybe it works even better. I don't think your average farmer knows all of the science behind plant growth. The average farm worker would know even less. None of this, however, stops the farmer or worker from planting, fertalizing, and harvesting the crop. Knowing all of the details isn't always important.

A) In the same way, not every believer is going to know all of the specific theology that goes on with Christianity. I myself have a fair amount of knowledge. I'd say it's similar to the farmer. I may know more than the average worker, but certainly there's a lot I don't know in detail. None of that, though, should stop me from putting my hand to the plow. There is work to be done for God; I don't have to know how, exactly, He will make my work fruitful. For example, I am commanded to give to the poor, but I am not required to know how God will then be able to minister, through me, to that person. If I know some details, I should use that knowledge, but it's not a requirement. I just need to be obedient when it's time to work.

P) Father, I like to know the "how" of things, but don't let me get caught up in it. I never want paralasis by analysis. Holy Spirit, where You see fit, please educate me. Give me Your knowledge and wisdom to know how You do the things You do. I want to know whatever will help me be a more effective tool in Your hand. I am, however, content to not know everything. You are a mystery, LORD, and I think that is appropriate. According to Isaiah 55, I know that Your ways are not my ways, and Your thoughts are not my thoughts. It would be arrogant for me to think that I can comprehend all of Your ways, Father, so I will choose to trust in Your will for every area of my life, including the work You call me to do. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.