Saturday, June 9, 2012

SOAP 06/09/2012; Ephesians 5:25-26

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 10,11,12; Psalms 94; Ephesians 5
S) "25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,"
Ephesians 5:25-26 (NASB)
O) This is a sneakily deep verse, I think. On the surface it seems simple enough - love your wife like Jesus loves His church... but then when Jesus' love is considered... there really is no measuring it. Specifically, the single marker is that He took the punishment for her. She mistreated Him, was guilty, filthy, worthless really, and He still valued her more than His own life. So, a husband's sacrifice for his wife should really know no bounds. It's hard to be selfless 100% of the time, but that's the love that is required of being a husband. The next line is equally important and the two go hand-in-hand. Defining exactly what it means to "cleanse her..." is kind of hard...
A) Here's what I know: the more I engage with my wife in spiritual disciplines, especially Bible study and prayer, the closer we are (not just how we feel, but how close we actually are). It's a given that I need to continually approach my marriage in humility and self-sacrifice, but I also need to continue making determined efforts to engage with her in disciplines that build up her faith, encourage her ministry, and strengthen her walk with God.
P) Father, my marriage is one of the most important things You've given me. I feel so blessed by my wife, and the marriage You've given us, that I really cannot express it, but I know You see my heart. I want to honor You and honor the gift that is my wife and marriage, with how I nurture my wife and tend our marriage, LORD. Holy Spirit, show me a successful discipline for strengthening my wife and show me what it means to sanctify, cleanse, and wash her. I know it's not as literal as it is with Jesus and the church, so reveal to me the most successful approach. Let me lead her in humility and grace, so that we are following You together, as a unified pair, as one flesh. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Friday, June 8, 2012

SOAP 06/08/2012; Ecclesiastes 7:10

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7,8,9; Ephesians 4
S) "10 Do not say, 'Why is it that the former days were better than these?'
For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.
Ecclesiastes 7:10 (NASB)
O) This is very direct, very blunt, very brutal truth. When a person is musing about "the good ol' days" or reminiscing about "the glory days" and they ask something along the lines of, "what happened..." or the like, they might offer up myriad reasons why they are asking, but it really all comes down to one thing. They are dissatisfied with their current circumstance and they are throwing a fit, to some degree. I'm all for learning from mistakes, but ultimately, the Preacher (author of Eccl.) is right, it's not really wisdom to ponder it this way. Ultimately, if we are dissatisfied with a present circumstance, we need to seek God and His counsel will direct us. It's a matter of humbling ourselves before Him, accepting that our circumstances, however uncomfortable, miserable, or painful, might actually be His will for us in that moment, as well. Wisdom comes from the LORD, not from musings about our past.
A) When I was a senior in H.S., my calculus teacher, an old german man named Mr. Lutz, said something that really made an impact with me. He said he pitied people who thought that H.S. was the best years of their life, because it meant that the rest of their life was pretty bad. So, I made the determination that I will see life as progressively better and better. So now, I simply choose not to believe that any of my former days were better than these. I know it's fairly easy to say that in my present circumstances, but I am also setting my heart in determination that I will choose to believe that, even if I face much more difficult times to come. God is exceedingly good and, as long as I am following His will, He will prosper me according to His definition of prosperity, and I will accept that He knows better than I do, regarding what is true prosperity, what is truly good for me, etc.
P) Father, You have been exceedingly good to me. The graces I see in my past, the grace I see in my marriage, in my kids, in my current job... I know that Your grace is also beyond my perception. I'm going forward into some unknown parts of my future, but I am placing my trust firmly in Your will. If, or even when, times might get hard, I am trusting that those hard times are still the best possible circumstances, according to Your will for me. So, Holy Spirit, let me find Your direction and voice quickly and clearly, so that I am putting myself and my family firmly in the center of Your will, Your plan, and the best possible life we could have. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

SOAP 06/07/2012; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 4,5,6; Psalms 18; Ephesians 3
S) 9 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. 10 For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. 11 Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NASB)
O) This is, perhaps, one of my very favorite verses in the Bible regarding marriage. It's not exclusively about marriage, but it's such a powerful promise when it's realized that way. Marriage is all about being of one accord. Your spouse should be your biggest benefactor. No one should pray harder for you, fast more often for you, be more concerned with your success in every spiritual and physical sense, because there is no one closer or more fully invested in you as a person. Your spouse is one flesh with you, so as it goes with your spouse, it goes with you. This is the truth of the phrase, "Behind every good man is a great woman." This is true, regardless of religion or creed. Marriages that are true partnerships are the most successful. This verse takes it further with the last verse. That is the most powerful, most important promise to me, outside my own salvation. "A cord of three" is referring to me, my wife, and God with us. As long as we are woven together, with God, we will never fail.
A) I need to continually reposition my perspective to see my wife as my biggest ally in everything I do, to the point that I'm not seeing her as a separate person, in the sense that we are one flesh (Genesis 2:24). So, if she is sick, then I am sick. If she is anxious, then I am anxious. If she is joyful, even when it seems less-than-exciting to me, then I am joyful. This is a committed act of love to my wife, I am ensuring that I am with her in everything. Taking that a step further, I need to continue making determined efforts to minister to my wife directly, so that we walking closely with God as individuals, and also as a couple. This is, perhaps, the hardest, and most important, part.
P) Father, thank You for giving me such an amazing wife. Your gift to me in her is more than I asked, and my thanks to You, for her, will never end. I want to honor what You've given me, and I want to take this blessing and see it flourish. Holy Spirit, continue to change my perspective to see Kristin more and more as myself. Give me a supernatural ability to relate to her, so that I am seeing her struggles as my struggles, and her successes as my successes. Lead me to lead her, so that we are intertwined with You in a cord that cannot be broken. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

SOAP 06/06/2012; Ephesians 2:10

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1,2,3; Psalms 45; Ephesians 2
S) "10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)
O) This is such a good promise! Awhile ago, I started saying that God doesn't waste, so if He redeemed some one, it's for a purpose. This verse is the proof of that. It's so encouraging to know that God has created me with skills and talents that are specifically because I'm called to do something. No one was randomly made, but God has prepared for us each, good works to be done.
A) I'm standing firm in this promise. I know that "ministry" can take various forms, but it's so important that I'm chasing whatever it is He has for me to do, and that I'm not missing or wasting opportunities or abilities, either one. As I pursue things like a further education, or a new church home (when I move), I need to remember that it's not about my own idea of effective or fulfilling. No amount of perceived success matters, if I am not walking in the good work God has prepared for me.
P) Father, I have been blessed to be used in so many ways so far. You've given me talents, skills, and passions that You planted in me to use me for things like drumming, working in the church nursery, being a youth pastor, and teaching in our school of ministry - thank You, God. I know that You still have more plans for me, more good for me to do for You, so I want to be sure I'm following Your plan, and not just what seems good to me. Holy Spirit, reveal to me the will of the Father for my life, both in the short term, but also some of the long term plans, as well. Let it be according to Your good will, to reveal what I need to know, so that I am fulfilling my purpose in You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

SOAP 06/05/2012; Proverbs 31:11, 28-29

Today's reading: Proverbs 30,31; Psalms 33; Ephesians 1
S) "11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain.

28 Her children rise up and bless her;
Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
29 'Many daughters have done nobly,
But you excel them all.'"

Proverbs 31:11 (NASB)
O) Proverbs 31 is one of the most recognized chapters in Proverbs because the second half of it (vv.10-31) is all about a wife who is a righteous woman, blessing her husband and her household. It has been found to be quite inspiring to millions of women, seeking to serve God in holiness and serve their families as God intends them, individually; each finding specific verses that have special meaning to them, or are particularly applicable to their family, circumstance, and life. I never really considered before today, that there are (at least) three verses that are actually instructions for the husband, not simply promises for the wife.
A) I recently let Kristin take over the finances for our family, and it's been surprisingly... uncomfortable... It's not that I'm worried, or that I doubt her, it's just not what we've done it for the last 9 years. But, I'm taking it to another level, starting today. Not only will I continue to "not worry about it" - which is my M.O., but I will specifically place my trust in her, from my heart. Also, I'm going to bless my wife and give her exactly this praise, because it's true and she deserves to hear it.
P) Father, I prayed nearly fifteen years ago, that you would prepare my wife to be the woman I needed her to be. There were some serious things, that you certainly gave me in her, and some trivial things that still bless me today. But Father, I recognize that You prepared her to be what I need and not just what I want. Your blessings are often unknown, and I am still learning how much You have truly blessed me with Kristin. Holy Spirit, remind me of this promise and this call for me to trust my wife from the heart. I know You have made her able, I know that she wills to follow Your lead as well, so I trust in her to do exactly that. I know that You are our provider, and all that we have is truly Yours. Prompt me to give timely praises to my wife, so that she feels the most blessed. Let her believe me when I tell her, "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all." In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Monday, June 4, 2012

SOAP 06/04/2012; Proverbs 28:13

Today's reading: Proverbs 28,29; Psalms 60; Romans 16
S) "13 He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion."

Proverbs 28:13 (NASB)
O) Here's the tricky thing about how post-sin mentality goes - we make a mistake with some sin and immediately feel guilt, followed quickly by shame at the idea others will find out about it. This is typically where we start having all these thoughts about the terrible repercussions that would take place if anyone ever found out, from a fight with a spouse to losing a job, the worst case scenarios are brought to mind. So, in our heads we make a determination to "deal with it myself" which is the biggest trap. See, we know that in Christ, we gained the indwelling Holy Spirit and the rebirth that we are able to walk free of sin, but that ability is still not easy. So, we convince ourselves that we can do it, despite the very recent evidence to the contrary - particularly because if we commonly struggle with a particular sin, it's always the biggest struggle when we've already been secluding ourselves from our brothers and sisters. So, we've been disconnected from our supportive siblings in Christ, and so we sinned, and now we're convincing ourselves that we don't need any support because God has delivered us from this sin... this is the hope of satan. The TRUTH that is in the verse above, is that hiding our sins is setting ourselves up for future failure. Confession and repentance brings healing and freedom. Our brothers and sisters in Christ do not have the authority to forgive sins, that is still only through Jesus Christ, but they do, very much, have the power and compassion to strengthen, encourage, and support us to get back on our feet and walk upright again.
A) I cannot abide the lies I'm hearing in my own head about false-shame or false-strength. I must confess and forsake my sins, being honest with brothers in Christ who will build me up, praying with and for me, so that I am strengthened, encouraged, and empowered in the Truth, who is Jesus Christ.
P) Father, I have been so blessed that You have surrounded me with brothers and sisters in Christ who love and support me. Thank You for the church body I have right now, who will support and encourage me in compassion and love. I pray that You help me find that same support after I move to Washington. Holy Spirit, help me keep this verse close at hand any time I might have sinned. Remind me that I will find grace and healing in the support of my church family. Help me take immediate action, because that is the fastest way to get past a stumbling, and back on my feet walking with You again. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

SOAP 06/03/2012; Proverbs 26:18-19

Today's reading: Proverbs 25,26,27; Romans 15
S) "18 Like a madman who throws
Firebrands, arrows and death,
19 So is the man who deceives his neighbor,
And says, 'Was I not joking?'"

Proverbs 26:18-19 (NASB)
O) Here's the thing about this verse - it's so old, but people simply do not change and this verse is still incredibly poignant today. All the time, you can hear some one being a jerk and then, when they realize they've offended a person or gone too far with their jest, they come back with something along the lines of, "I was just kidding!" It's a poor excuse that never justifies in the eyes of the offended person.
A) I think part of the reason this verse still stands out, even as I read it for the cajillionth time, is that this is the man I used to be. I used to be quite the jerk, and very sarcastic. So, I would be mean to people while disguising it as a joke. It's funny, though, because I really didn't care if people were offended for their sake. I made the excuse to ease my own conscience - which never really worked. It was a prideful response, along the lines of, "Clearly you are the one with the issue here, not me." As it is now, I genuinely make jokes that are intended to be funny and not offend, but sometimes they do offend. In that case now, I no longer respond by saying, "It was a joke!" but instead, I simply humble myself and apologize.
P) Father, You have done great works in me, breaking down my pride to realize my guilt. Then You took that guilt and put it on Your Son, when I accepted Your grace and mercy. It still baffles me. Holy Spirit, I know sometimes I'm simply not aware of how my comments might come accross to people, and I know I offend by sincere accident. Help me in two ways, God. First, help me realize ahead of time, with discernment, what will offend - so I can bite my tongue. Second, when I realize an offense, guide me to quickly and effectively apologize in genuine humility. I want to heal, not harm. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.