Sunday, April 26, 2015

SOAP 04/26/2015; Joshua 18:4

Today's reading: Joshua 18

S) "Provide for yourselves three men from each tribe that I may send them, and that they may arise and walk through the land and write a description of it according to their inheritance; then they shall return to me."

Joshua 18:4  (NASB)

O) There were at this time, seven tribes who still lacked a defined inheritance within the Promised Land. Remembering one of Joshua's landmark events, when he went with Caleb and ten other men (one from each tribe) to spy out the Promised Land, it is easy to see why Joshua himself would commission a similar quest. Because of that, there is an important lesson to learn about how we learn from our predecessors, especially when we are doing what they were doing. When Joshua and Caleb brought back the good report about the Promised Land, and they were the only two men of that generation who saw the Promised Land because of that faithful report, I'm sure everyone took note. So, when he commissioned this survey, it's safe to assume he had particular standards of faithful reporting that he expected. Nothing less than complete honesty with faithful perspective was going to pass with Joshua. I'm sure he would have know how it should be done, and would have communicated pretty clear expectations. If the newly commissioned spies were worth their salt, I'm also sure they would have had plenty of questions for both Joshua and Caleb, for how to spy out the land and properly record what they learned.

A) There are times when I get pretty sad, realizing that I don't have an earthly dad to guide me in my faith. In a lot of ways, I lack mentorship with regard to my marriage and parenting. I still have some peer ministry (my older brother, some brothers in Christ in my Life Group), but it's not quite the same. I suppose there is wisdom in me reaching out through our church for just such an opportunity as that. With regard to some other aspects of my faith, there are certainly some people who have guided and counseled me (some level of discipleship), but it hasn't been constant. But, this verse is really about a sort of occupational discipleship. Certainly as I pursue certain things (counseling certification, for example), this will become more constant, but I'm not sure it's any less important for me to pursue this right now. I am, at the very least, comforted by the knowledge that there are resources for me when I am commissioned (as with counseling others), and also that my Father God will always guide me by the Counselor I have in the Holy Spirit.

P) Father, You are faithful to prepare for Your will. You set in place everything I need to do the work You call me to do. I want to be a faithful worker, Lord. I want to be obedient, and ready, faithful to do excellent work in Your name. Help me to learn from those who have gone before me, Father. Give me wisdom, humility, and insight to learn from others who have done well. Help me to seek counsel, even from the men or women who might ask for my help in something. As I do that, as I gain experience, help me to also be faithful in helping those who follow in my steps. All of this to Your glory alone, Father God. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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