Today's reading:
2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13; Psalm 68; Matthew 17
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9 When they came to the threshing floor of Chidon, Uzza put out his hand to hold the ark, because the oxen nearly upset it. 10 The anger of the Lord burned against Uzza, so He struck him down because he put out his hand to the ark; and he died there before God. 11 Then David became angry because of the Lord’s outburst against Uzza; and he called that place Perez-uzza to this day. 12 David was afraid of God that day, saying, 'How can I bring the ark of God home to me?'
1 Chronicles 13:9-12 (NASB)
O) Verse 11 is the real highlight, here. I was really grabbed by David becoming angry, because it seemed out of place. It seems out of character, that David would have become angry
at the LORD, given his humility toward God in all of the other areas of his life. Throughout the Psalms, David would become despondent, but not really indignant. So, then I wondered if he was angry at Uzza himself. But, there is little precedent for that, either. In fact, when I searched, I only found two other instances when David was said to be angry (see
2 Samuel 12:4-6 and
13:20-22), and in both cases it had to do with the sins of people against people, not anger toward God. So then, my next thought was that David was angry that the death was justified, and I think that is revealed in v.12, in his words. He was angry at his own unrighteousness. I think he saw how Uzza was relatively innocent (relative to David), but still guilty before the LORD. I think it angered David that he would also be found guilty, and it was completely justified.
A) The only way I can truly appreciate the forgiveness and righteousness I have been given in Jesus Christ, is for me to fully understand the depths of my guilt, and the punishment I deserve. It isn't just an eternal damnation (which sounds silly to say that way, like it can get worse than eternity in hell)... but it's also the loss of the people and things I love in the here and now (tangible people, intangible things). Unfortunately, because I am mortal, and all that I have known is temporal, I have a hard time being motivated by the unseen, eternal things. It's hard for me to fathom the gravity of hell, but when I think about the destitution I deserve here, in the land of the living, it gives me new perspective on just how much God has saved me. I don't
deserve my wife and kids. I don't
deserve my job. I don't
deserve anything I have. All of it was given to me in grace. More than that, none of it was
taken from me, because of that same grace! It would have been completely justified for God to strip me of everything, relationships, abilities, time; everything up to, and including, my life; because of my sins. Uzza was killed because of a thoughtless act of trying to prevent an accident. How much worse are my sins?! And yet, because of the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I live.
P) Father, I am guilty, and yet You are merciful. I am unworthy, and yet You are gracious. Please let Your Spirit remind me, continually remind me, of the destruction from which I am saved. In thankfulness, let me pursue righteousness. Thank You for the lovingkindness and compassion You show me; let me walk in repentance because of them. I confess that I do not fear You as I should, because I do not correctly understand the wrath that was due to me. Please give me better understanding, so that I am more reverent of Your holiness and sovereignty. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.