Tuesday, December 9, 2014

SOAP 12/09/2014; 1 Timothy 5:1-2

Today's reading: 1 Timothy 5, 6; Titus 1, 2, 3

S) "1 Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity."

1 Timothy 5:1-2 (NASB)

O) The entire letter to Timothy (both letters) was written to a young pastor. Reading these verses in that context, sheds light on why this command is as it is. While it's good to treat everyone well, and while we shouldn't have to think of them as our family in order to treat them well, this passage isn't just about daily interactions. This is actually speaking about discipline. We are being told not to sharply rebuke... that isn't to say that we should not rebuke. Furthermore, this is instruction that while rebuking we must remember to approach others in love.

A) Whether there is an official role of being a pastor, or this is just about mutual ministry with my peers, the instruction is the same. At the core of this instruction, is the humility to remember that I am not in charge. I have reminded my kids often, that they are not in charge of each other. Because of that, I encourage them to remind each other of the rules set by Mom and Dad, but to refrain from actually bossing someone around. With the older kids, I especially put an emphasis on the fact that, their words will be more effective if they are words of appeal and encouragement, instead of reprimand or command. The same is true when I approach others to rebuke them. If I am just trying to command them, I won't get far. Instead, if I appeal to them, especially referring back to the Bible as the authority (never my opinion), then they are much more likely to accept the instruction, knowing that my rebuke is born from love, and based solely on the words of God. Being sure to use the Bible as my only true measure, I will also ensure correct motives within myself, which will in turn keep me grounded in purity. Before I approach anyone to rebuke them (whether my wife or kids, or an actual sibling, or any other person), it would be wise for me to approach the LORD in prayer, and ask Him to reveal any impure motives in my own heart.

P) Father, I want You to use me to minister to others. I especially want You to use me for encouragement and strengthening others. I am not very excited at the idea of rebuking, admonishing, or correcting anyone else. I know that as I endeavor to be used more and more by You, though, this will become more and more of a role for me. I pray that my eyes and ears are fully open, though, to know my own heart and sins, before I ever try to minister to another person. Whether this is leading my wife, or parenting, or any other form of ministry, keep me humble Father God. Let me always rely solely on Your Word for discipline and instruction. Let the Holy Spirit unify me with my brothers and sisters in Christ, so that any ministry I give, whether rebuke or encouragement, is given and received according to Your will alone. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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