Monday, December 8, 2014

SOAP 12/08/2014; 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Today's reading: 1 Timothy 1, 2, 3, 4

S) "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. "

1 Timothy 2:3-4 (NASB)

O) This passage is reaffirming a call to prayer. In the first two verses, Paul reminds us to pray for all people, including our leaders. The above verses tells us why, that God desires all men to be redeemed. It is noteworthy that at this time, virtually none of the political and military leaders were Christians. This was a very practical problem for the early church, so prayer for the local governing authorities was vital. This was especially true when Christianity was actually outlawed.

A) There is a danger in thinking anyone is a "lost cause" of some kind. This is especially problematic with political leaders. In the current culture of the American Christian, I'm afraid that politics are mistreated. There is a draw, even a pressure, to vote for certain moralities, more than actual, political platforms. This assumes a lot. This assumes that good morals make for an effective politician. This also assumes that morals that do not align with the Bible, mean that the political leader is unfit to govern. Perhaps the biggest error: it assumes that we know who God wants in office (see Romans 13:1). Additionally, I've had a tendency to "give up" when I voted for a leader who wasn't elected. I need to remember that God is still sovereign, and it might very well be His plan for the leader to be elected so that I will pray for them. I need to commit to prayer for all of the leadership in my life, especially the unsaved authorities over me (bosses at work, local government, big government). God wants them saved, too.

P) Father, You are sovereign and purposeful. I do not want to presume that anything is lost, based on the outcome of some political election. Help me to stay faithful in praying for the authorities in my life. You have a plan, and I want to walk in it with You. Please bless my bosses at work, the management above me. Let them see the light You are within me. Please bless the local authorities in my town and state. Help them to see the movement of Your church, the ministries and good works we do in Your name, that You would be glorified. Please bless the government of my country. Lead them to see the impact and influence of Your church, on our country and world. Bring them to the knowledge of the truth, and save them. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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