Sunday, May 15, 2016

SOAP 05/14/2016; 2 Chronicles 7:11

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 22, 23, 24; 1 Thessalonians 3*

S) "11 Thus Solomon finished the house of the Lord and the king’s palace, and successfully completed all that he had planned on doing in the house of the Lord and in his palace."

2 Chronicles 7:11 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read 2 Chronicles 7

O) We don't have an exact timeline for the life of Solomon, so this is somewhat speculative. However, it does seem that things went well for Solomon, in his relationship with the LORD, while he still had the mission of building the temple of the LORD. We see a few different times, when Solomon would hear from God in a dream, and their communication was fairly direct. However, this verse may give us some clear insight as to when, and possibly why, Solomon's reign went off track. While the temple (and his own palace) was being built, he seemed intent on following God, and serving God, the way his father had (King David). But, at some point those two tasks were finished. At some point, he lost the vision of living his life for serving God, and serving God's people. Perhaps, because his reign started with such clear goals, he was able to keep himself pointed in the right direction. The failing, then, was that he didn't have a vision for what to do, once these first two great tasks were done.

A) There are a lot of ways to measure success, and this world doesn't want me to forget them. There is financial gain, influence, position, possessions, and even family status. However, none of that will matter, if my life is not driven by a mission to serve God. My success can only be measured in what I am doing, what I have done, for my Lord. Solomon had a vision early in his reign over Israel, and it seems it kept his relationship with God on track. In a similar way, I know that when I was a teenager, I had tasks to do that kept my focus on serving Jesus. When those tasks were over (because of move), and I didn't acquire new vision for how or why I needed to serve Jesus, my relationship with Him fell by the wayside. In my life, I must be careful to keep a vision for where I am going with God, and what I am doing for Him.

P) Father, thank You for drawing me into relationship with You, Lord. Thank You for having a plan for my life, for the grace at work in my redemption. Please forgive me, when I lose focus. Help me to keep my eyes on the prize, and to remember who I am in Christ, and why You have redeemed me. Help me measure my success by what I am doing for You, and find my value in Christ alone. I know that a life of service to You, will bring peace, joy, and fulfillment to me. I know, that ultimately, my life is in peril if I am not seeking to serve You. Help me keep the gospel in the forefront of my mind. Help me to be kingdom-oriented with my motivations and intentions. Be glorified in my life, that's my goal. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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