Sunday, March 20, 2016

SOAP 03/19/2016; 1 Kings 14:5

Today's reading: Joshua 3, 4, 5, 6; 1 Corinthians 4*

S) "Now the LORD had said to Ahijah, 'Behold, the wife of Jeroboam is coming to inquire of you concerning her son, for he is sick. You shall say thus and thus to her, for it will be when she arrives that she will pretend to be another woman.'"

1 Kings 14:5 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read 1 Kings 14

O) Jeroboam's son was sick, and despite all the idols he had erected, when things got real he knew to consult the only real God. However, because of his treachery and betrayal, he also had enough understanding to know his own guilt. He knew that he had forfeited his right to consult the prophet, probably right about the same time he had alienated all of God's priests. Nevertheless, God cannot be fooled, and Ahijah is warned and then given a word of Jeroboam's certain doom.

A) More than anything, this verse is a comfort to me. My Lord cannot be fooled by our opponents. Every trouble that could ever come my way, is not o lay known to Him, but there are plans for it. I trust God is good, and I trust His will is for my good, to bless me, even in painful, teachable, discipline moments. Because I trust Him with my future, I want to seek His plans. I want to speak with Him, and ask Him to warn me of trouble. This is the importance of following the lead of the Holy Spirit. Maybe God never gives me specific warnings, or maybe He gives me great detail. In either case, I know that He is always ready, never caught off guard, and has a good plan.

P) Father, You are mighty and wise. You are holy and good. You have made Your name great among the nations. You have proven Yourself in my life. The grace at work in my life, in my own history, is enough to make me praise You all my days. Lord, I want to honor You and glorify You as best I can. My future is unknown to me, but not to You. I don't ask for insight into the details of my future, except that it may glorify You. So let Your will be done, even as te Holy Spirit leads me and speaks to my heart. If You will, then warn me and guide me, against deceptive enemies who would try to fool me. Let the truth of Your Word edify me. Give me clear discernment to know the traps and schemes of my enemies. All of this to Your glory alone. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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