Sunday, February 14, 2016

SOAP 02/13/2016; Zechariah 6:7

Today's reading: Leviticus 20, 21, 22; Acts 20*

S) "7 'When the strong ones went out, they were eager to go to patrol the earth.' And He said, 'Go, patrol the earth.' So they patrolled the earth."

Zechariah 6:7 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Zechariah 6

O) Like most of the prophecies of the Old Testament, this chapter would seem to be fulfilled, with the references to the Israelites in Babylon. That historical period is obviously over. The four chariots who would patrol (or, at least three of the four) seem to resemble the four horsemen of Revelation, so there is some thought that this passage may have spiritual applications for the future, but even the horsemen of Revelation might be historical in their roles. In either case, the actual details of the prophecy (that these spirits went forth to different areas, and what they did - or will do) does not have any direct impact on my life here and now. Instead of trying to find some epic meaning, we can also look at this passage and see something simpler, easier to relate. These spirits sought to serve God in something. They had a purpose, a desire for doing something particular for God. When they were heard, and they were commissioned (so to speak), then they went and did it.

A) Setting aside speculations about the nature of these spirits (if they had free will, for example), I can still see their brief story as an example of purpose, supplication, passion, and execution. They seemed to understand why they were created, and they wanted to fulfill their purpose. They sought it out, and did it with haste. Sometimes it seems that discovering purpose is half the issue, but not necessarily for myself. I know the talents and skills and passions God has given me. I know what I can do, and what I want to do for God. Keeping my focus on those things, and actually prioritizing them to do them, that is my struggle. I just need to go out and patrol, now.

P) Father, thank You for the gifts, talents, and passions You have given me. Thank You for equipping me to serve You. It's a blessing to be involved, to be invited to do kingdom work. I don't want to delay, Lord. Discipline me, to do my work with diligence and excellence. Help me to keep focus on honoring You, glorifying Your great name in everything I am doing. Let Your will be done in my life and in Your kingdom work. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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