Tuesday, December 29, 2015

SOAP 12/29/2015; Revelation 10:4

Today's reading: Revelation 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

S) "When the seven peals of thunder had spoken, I was about to write; and I heard a voice from heaven saying, 'Seal up the things which the seven peals of thunder have spoken and do not write them.'"

Revelation 10:4 (NASB)

O) While this verse is a literal instruction, the context is plainly for John directly. What this verse really reveals is more of God's character. The first lesson to learn, is that God speaks audibly, but it's not always discernible. This is not the first time God's voice is described as thunder, and it's not the only place that the words in that thunder were not revealed to everyone (see John 12:28-30). The second thing is related directly to the first, and it is that God does not speak everything to everyone. God will not contradict Himself, or lie, but if He speaks something to one person, it is His sovereign right to keep that thing between Himself and the hearer. The last thing is a little more broad. God reserves the right to not give all of the information. Forget the fact that John heard something that I will never hear (as did all of the apostles, no doubt. John himself noted something like this at the end of his gospel), but God also knows a great many things He will not share with us (unsearchable, unknowable, immeasurable things).

A) As will all instances of "hearing from God" (however it takes place), everything must be carefully examined against Scripture. The word of God is authoritative, but the Bible is infallible and I am not. Sometimes it can be hard enough to understand what the Bible is telling me, and it is plain and unchanging, and open for study. If I feel like God is leading me in a direction, somehow, it's very easy to misunderstand, misinterpret, skew, or otherwise mess up what God could have been saying. So, however terms like "special revelation" are defined, I think God may very well speak today, and probably a lot more often than I will ever realize. I may never discern it like John did. If I do, I may not be allowed to share it. In any case, I am thankful for His revealed, written word. I am thankful that it is reliable and searchable. I am thankful for what John was told to write down. I must remain humble, remembering that what God has already revealed is more than enough.

P) Father, thank You for the grace You have already shown me. You are sovereign and mighty, and You have every right to speak or keep silent. You have the power and prerogative to do what You will, and I am humble enough now, to see that it is as it should be. You have already done more than enough for me to know You, and to live a righteous life. In the Bible, I have all I need to know Christ Jesus. In Him, I have all that I could ever need, or even want. Thank You, Lord. Let Your will continue to be done. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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