Saturday, August 15, 2015

SOAP 08/15/2015; Jeremiah 18:12

Today's reading: Jeremiah 18, 19, 20; Psalm 93; John 17

S) "12 But they will say, 'It's hopeless! For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart.'"

Jeremiah 18:12 (NASB)

O) After the LORD called yen to repent, this was their response. This is important to remember, because it is not simply God executing His judgment against His people, as if it is arbitrary and they have nothing to do with it. God has always made His standards known. Not only His standard for righteousness, but even His standard for repentance and mercy. Even so, people will reject His offer. They choose (even without verbalizing it, but by their actions) to turn away from His ways, and declare their own ways as sovereign and good, despite their rebellion against their Creator.

A) God warns, and waits, and warns, and waits. He is truly slow to anger, great in lovingkindness. If I received justice quickly, I would have been killed long ago! In His grace, I was allowed the time needed to see my own folly and accept the grace of the gospel. The verse above serves as a warning to me, that my own ways are in stark opposition to His ways. My own plans are rebellious by nature. My haughty pride and stubborn heart will ruin me, without the sanctification I have from God in the work of the Holy Spirit in changing my heart, and the work of Christ setting me free from sin and death.

P) Father, Your grace and goodness are revealed to me, new each day. I need Your work in my heart, to set me free from sin, into Christ. Sinning is no longer my only option, because I am being sanctified. I have been empowered to overcome sin by the indwelling Holy Spirit. I am freed from its mastery by the blood of Jesus Christ. Please continue to humble me, when I fail to humble myself. Help me to walk in the Spirit, that I will not gratify thee lust of the flesh. Be glorified in my life, and receive all praise and honor. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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