Friday, July 31, 2015

SOAP 07/30/2015; Isaiah 60:19

Today's reading: Isaiah 60, 61, 62; John 1

S) "19 No longer will you have the sun for light by day,
Nor for brightness will the moon give you light;
But you will have the LORD for an everlasting light,
And your God for your glory."

Isaiah 60:19 (NASB)

O) This whole chapter speaks of perfection to come. This is the glory that the LORD will establish. This verse is echoed by the words of John in Revelation 21:23. This is another great example, that God shatters our understanding of existence. In our limited understanding, light is a form of energy that requires some kind of (re)action (like the Sun burning gas and emitting light). However, Jesus called Himself the Light, God is referred to as the Father of Lights, and here we see that the LORD emits light, forever. In the Old Testament, there were many pagan religions that worshiped the Sun, or else some dirty who had a supposed power to control the Sun. This verse reminds us that the LORD is greater than all of those false gods. They were all imagined in a worldview that still required the Sun in order to function. God breaks the mold. He is not bound to our laws of chemistry and physics.

A) God is miraculous. I need to remember that, when I look around my world, my life. When I have struggles, it's easy to think that God can create a solution to my problem, but that misses the point all too often. God is the solution. Spending time with Him, worshiping Him, knowing Him… that is the whole point. God can still solve my problems, my real life problems. If I am struggling financially, He can create financial solutions. He is not bound to to solve that in any particular way. He can eliminate the debt, or give me more money. He can create new opportunities for me to earn money, or handle it in some altogether different way. However, as I seek Him and ask for His grace, mercy, and help in my circumstances, I must remember that He is my source of light in the darkness. Being with Him, in those prayers, is more valuable than any money could be.y relationship with Him is more fulfilling than any other relationship could be. My restoration to Him will give me more peace than any other restoration could. He will be my light, my God, and my glory.

P) Father, let me remember that You are not bound by any of my own understanding. You will do what You say You will do, because You are who You have said You are. Let me fully trust that You can, not only create a solution, but be a solution, in the midst of any tribulation I might experience. God, I pray You are the most glorified in my life. When I experience Your miraculous grace, let me tell more of the Giver, than of the gift. Keep me in my right mind, in a right perspective, according to Your will. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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