Thursday, July 2, 2015

SOAP 07/02/2015; Psalm 47:1

Today's reading: Psalm 47; Isaiah 4, 5; Psalms 115, 116; Jude

S) "O clap your hands, all peoples;
Shout to God with the voice of joy."

Psalm 47:1 (NASB)

O) This whole psalm is a great invitation to worship and praise the LORD! From the start, there is a call to get excited, to participate in the celebratory song! The word translated, "joy" can also be, "ringing cry" and it's communicating an unhindered shout. This exhortation to clap (if they have any rhythm at all) is to get the congregation on the same page. Clapping to a song unifies people. A marching army uses songs to get their steps in time with each other, to unify their move. The shout to God with a ringing cry, a voice of joy, is to tear down walls. Like an army applying concerted forces, everyone fighting with all available vigor, on the same front. This is not to break physical walls, like Jericho (although God could repeat that miracle), but instead to break down the walls of the hearts of the people. Shouting, clapping, these are actions to involve the whole self of the worshiper, and to join that individual with all of the other surrounding individuals.

A) Worshiping alone is a worthwhile use of time, but I cannot neglect the importance of corporate worship. Worship also covers a lot more actions than simply referring to songs sung. But, the context of this verse reminds me that singing songs, even shouting songs, with others, is purposeful. When I am in a worship service, a congregation of my brothers and sisters, it is missing the point for me to be content, singing quietly among the throng. There should be an energy, and enthusiasm! Worship is not about my own gratification, though. Getting excited is not the point, it's the vehicle. The point is to glorify God and to accomplish His purposes. Because it is not about me, it is not up to me to decide I don't "feel" like worshiping. I participate in corporate worship for the sake of God's glory, and to encourage and build up my brothers and sisters (on some level), by unifying my worship with theirs.

P) Father, You are worth all of my energy. You are worthy of my claps and my shouts! You deserve my exhaustive, thorough, sincere worship and praise! Help me to remember that my worship of You is not, in the least, about me. Remind me that my primary purpose is to glorify You and honor You. Behind that, remind me that my participation in corporate worship affects the lives of my brothers and sisters, as they seek to join united praise and worship. Remind me that my efforts to worship will have an impact on some of those around me, as people seek to worship You with all of their strength, clapping and shouting. Let me never forget all of the reasons I have to be excited about being Your son. Be glorified in my worship, and let it accomplish Your will. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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