Sunday, May 3, 2015

SOAP 05/01/2015; Judges 7:2

Today's reading: Judges 7

S) "The LORD said to Gideon, 'The people who are with you are too many for Me to give Midian into their hands, for Israel would become boastful, saying, "My own power has delivered me."'"

Judges 7:2 (NASB)

O) If the words of the LORD are not read carefully, it can be mistaken that He is saying He is limited. He was not unable to do it, but unwilling to do it. He did not want Israel to believe they had won a great liberation from Midian on their own strength. This is not about some power-trip, or ego, or some other false-pretense that the world will sometimes project onto the LORD. In fact, in a sense, this had little to do with Him directly. This was about Israel not living under a false sense of security. Had the LORD still delivered them, but then they believed they had done it themselves, then every time they tried to accomplish anything apart from the LORD they would be set up for failure. Furthermore, had the LORD allowed this to take place, they would not have the truth about the source of their help. When they did fail by their own power, they might still seek the LORD then, but at what loss of time, resources, and lives? God cannot abide His children being boastful, because boasting is a lie. Arrogance is a false pretense of security. Pride invites destruction.

A) The first application that comes to mind for me, is the area of finances. When money is tight, I have a tendency to want to fix things on my own. This cannot be how the LORD intends it. In fact, if I apply the above verse to my life, and change the topic from the number of soldiers in Gideon's army, to the number of dollars in my bank account, it almost translates perfectly. It would read something like, "The money with you is too much for Me to give ____ into your hands, for you would become boastful saying, 'My own power has delivered me.'" I'm not saying God is making me poor, or anything so bold as that. For one thing, I know I have made poor financial decisions. I have incurred debts that are nobody's fault but mine, for example. But, It would be a simple thing for me to go out and hunt a job that pays more money. It would be a simple thing for me to find more work, to work 60 or 70 hours a week. On the surface, that seems like it would solve financial issues. But, I also see danger in that. I see arrogance in that, and I see a serious damage to my family in that. The truth is that the LORD has always provided enough. It is humbling to know that I rely on Him to provide, but that is exactly what I need for true security. My own strength is not enough to provide for my family, but the LORD is faithful. His strength is enough to deliver, and He does not fail.

P) Father, I am humbled in the light of my impotence and Your omnipotence. I know that the most obvious area I can see this apply, is with money. I also know that this is not the only area I can be arrogant. Open my eyes and ears, LORD, to see every area that pride is an issue in my heart. I want to humble myself before You in every sense, every area of my heart, Lord. Be magnified and praised by Your presence in my life. Let me glorify Your great name, and let everyone who sees my life see Your glory. I confess that I have been arrogant where I should be humble. Help me to see that it is only by Your providence that I can live. I cannot sustain my own life. Help me be humbled, to know that You alone can deliver me. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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