Thursday, October 9, 2014

SOAP 10/09/2014; Nehemiah 1:4

Today's reading: Nehemiah 1, 2; Psalm 133, 134; Luke 22

S) "When I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven."

Nehemiah 1:4 (NASB)

O) This verse is the introduction to the actual prayer as Nehemiah recorded it (vv.5-11). Really, I wanted to highlight the entire passage, but that started to seem excessive, and since this verse introduces the prayer, it seemed good to highlight it. First, note how deeply moved Nehemiah was to hear about the struggles of his countrymen who had returned. He isn't depressed, however, and I note that because his sadness moved him to action, which is significant. He took to prayer and fasting, when he was so deeply grieved. Next, as we review his prayer, we see a powerful, humble, exemplary prayer. He began with praise and thanks, declaring the goodness of God's character and grace (v.5), then he moved into a confession of his sins, and the sins of his people (v.6-7). The next portion is easy to miss, but he was actually confirming the will of God having been done, and asserting God's righteousness in His actions toward Israel (v.8), and then he was imploring that God's will to be finished in His promises (v.9). Nehemiah summarized with praise again (v.10), before finally asking his request of the LORD (v.11). What I found so beautiful, is how this prayer is so perfectly aligned with the Lord's prayer from the Gospels.

A) The significance of Nehemiah's example, is that his prayer was not a mimicry of Jesus' prayer. He wasn't praying a vague, nonspecific prayer of generalizations. He was quite specific, and yet followed the form that Jesus taught very closely. So, this is a confirmation to follow Jesus' instruction, but to emphasize that Jesus didn't say, "pray these words," but He said, "Pray, then, in this way." (emphasis added, see Matthew 6:9-13). So, I will follow the model of Jesus' prayer, but like Nehemiah, I will be specific with my praise, confession, submission to His will, and finally my requests.

P) Father, You have blessed me with so much, and have always been faithful to me, even when I was completely unfaithful to You. You have preserved my life, my marriage, given me blessed relationships, and You have always provided. But, I have struggled with arrogance lately, Father. I believed the lie that I could promote myself, that I could provide for my family with more hard work. I believed the lie that I was able to do things without You, even while I was asking for Your help. I have not been completely submitted to Your sovereignty, trusting Your goodness entirely. In Your mercy, thank You for forgiving me and hearing my prayer. You are against haughty eyes, but You lift up the humble. You prove Your strength in our weaknesses, to the glory of Your name. Father, I am seeking favor with my boss at work, and I want a new position. But, please continue to accomplish Your will in my life, whatever that might mean for my career, finances, or any other aspect of my life. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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