Sunday, August 24, 2014

SOAP 08/24/2014; Jeremiah 33:2

Today's reading: Jeremiah 33, 34; Psalm 74; 1 John 5

S) "“Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it, the Lord is His name,"

Jeremiah 33:2 (NASB)

O) Jeremiah was on a sort of political house arrest, and he received another message from God. This short verse, though, working as an introduction, struck me for a peculiarity. Three times, before Jeremiah actually got to the words which the LORD spoke to him, three times Jeremiah used the name of the LORD. Specifically, he used God's name, "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" or most directly, "YHWH" (which, in most English Bibles, is translated to LORD - capital letters). This is the translation of God's name, "I am" as He spoke it to Moses at the burning bush (See Exodus 3:14). At the time Jeremiah was speaking (and throughout most of the Bible's timespan), there was no such thing as an atheist. Virtually everyone acknowledged at least some god, so the Israelites had to differentiate that theirs was a living God, the only true God, and His name was the LORD. At the same time, God Himself also distinguished Himself from the other gods often, and would name Himself to punctuate that He was different. This verse, introducing a word of prophecy, names God three times in a single sentence. It's not just any "god," it is the LORD.

A) Lately, it seems that we've re-entered an era where many, many non-Christians are claiming to believe in "god." They might even claim a god with a capital "G" to reflect their monotheism. Seeing this recent influx of "spiritual" people, referring to "god" openly and often, makes me quite uncomfortable, as it seems more and more pointed that they are not talking about Jesus. By extension, when they say, "God-" this, or that, they are not talking about my God, even if they use a capital "G". Consequently, more and more, lately I have been wary of using the word "God" - even capitalized - in favor of saying, "the LORD" or even simply using the name of Jesus, which is powerful in its own right. There is only One God, and He has a name, and I intend to use it.

P) Father God, LORD, Jehovah, blessed be Your name. Give me boldness to specify, to proclaim Your name above all names. Let me proudly refer to my savior Jesus by His name. Let me wear His name as my badge, as an honorable mark, to be know as a Christian because I declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ over my life. When others see me, and hear me, and know that I name You, LORD, let them perceive to know, that I am not speaking of some esoteric mythical being, but I am speaking of their Creator. You are the only One God, You have a name, and I intend to use it. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

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