Wednesday, July 23, 2014

SOAP 07/23/2014; Psalm 75:6-7

Today's reading: 2 Kings 20; Isaiah 38, 39; Psalm 75; 1 Peter 2

S) "For not from the east, nor from the west,
Nor from the desert comes exaltation;
But God is the Judge;
He puts down one and exalts another."

Psalm 75:6-7 (NASB)

O) The majority of this Psalm is a warning against pride, boasting, and insolence. So, while this passage seems to be a promise of God's favor in one respect, when we read it in context it comes across much more like a continuation of the warning. We are warned not to give credit to anyone else, but God alone. He is the Judge who determines whom to exalt, and whom to put down. He decides in complete righteousness, at the exact right time (see v.2).

A) This is one of those concepts that is almost a semantic argument. Let's suppose I want a promotion (which I do!), and with goal of getting the position, I want to obtain favor in the sight of the hiring manager. I can try to buddy-buddy, sort of warm up, get in friendly with the hiring manager. I can try to be personable, confident, pleasant, and every other kind of positive characteristic I can think... but this verse reminds us that the exaltation I seek will not come from the hiring manager... Better would be to seek God, to obtain favor from the hiring manager. God can clearly give favor in the eyes of men. We see that throughout the Bible, and one of my favorite examples is found in Nehemiah 1 & 2. But, I think this still might miss the ultimate mark. My biggest concern should always be, seeking favor in God's eyes. If I put it like this, it seems most clear. If I am to be exalted, by whom would I want to be exalted, the most? Whether or not anyone else knows that He has exalted me, I don't really care. If I never receive another promotion in my life, and struggle in my current job, and my bosses begin to despise me... but God exalts me in His own eyes...? That would be enough. That should be enough. Our righteousness is given to us by grace, through the blood of Jesus. In reality, I am already highly favored. I don't think it's wrong to seek a promotion. I'll continue to pray for it, unless God makes it clear that it would be bad for me to have. But, in the meantime, I will care a lot less about the exaltation that comes from people, and concern myself with the exaltation that comes from God.

P) Father, I want to keep my focus on You, Lord. There are a lot of distractions in life, and a lot of deceptive circumstances. There are many times when I feel like things would be easier, if only so-and-so thought of me differently. I now see how wrong that is, God. Please burn within me, a desire to please You and only You. Let me seek the exaltation that You give, Lord, because that is the only exaltation that really matters. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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