Thursday, February 13, 2014

SOAP 02/13/2014 Leviticus 20:10

Today's reading: Leviticus 20, 21, 22; Acts 20

S) "10 If there is a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, one who commits adultery with his friend’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."

Leviticus 20:10 (NASB)

O) This verse brought a few things to mind. In the story from the NT about the adulterous woman who is brought before Jesus (see John 8, for example), the scribes and Pharisees bring only the woman before Jesus to be stoned. Clearly, in the Law, Moses commands that both adulterers are to be stoned. Clearly, the Pharisees were picking and choosing which parts of the Law they wanted to enforce.
Then, I was thinking about this whole passage (Leviticus 20, 10-21) being about all forms of sexual immorality. Most of the consequences are quite severe, punishable by death. This passage is the oft-quoted argument about the Bible (and God) being against homosexuality. The problem I have with that is two-fold. First, it neglects that the NT also has passages about homosexuality. Second, it neglects the inclusion of the verse above, making these Bible-quoters dangerously close to the Pharisees, picking and choosing which parts of the Law they want to enforce.

A) Under no circumstances am I condoning any of the sexual immoralities listed in this passage. But, neither do I want to try and enforce the Law of Moses. Otherwise, when the above verse is coupled with Matthew 5:28, then I should have been stoned the first time I ever looked at pornography. Jesus didn't come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it. So, I am still supposed to chase that righteous standard, but I no longer have to be punished for my failures, because Jesus took that punishment and atoned for my sins. That's a bigger discussion, but the main point I can take from the above verse, is to remember that, in God's eyes, all sexual sin is grave and generally deserves death, not just homosexuality.

P) Father, thank You so much for the mercy I have been given through Jesus. Your Holy Spirit has given me freedom and healing from sexual immorality and that grace overwhelms me. Let me see people in mercy and grace through Jesus, just as You see me. Remind me of the forgiveness I have been given. Let that truth lead me, in all my actions, in love. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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