Tuesday, May 1, 2012

SOAP 05/01/2012; Matthew 18:26-27

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 14,15; Psalm 132; Matthew 18
S)"26 So the slave fell to the ground and prostrated himself before him, saying, 'Have patience with me and I will repay you everything.' 27 And the lord of that slave felt compassion and released him and forgave him the debt."
Matthew 18:26-27 (NASB)
O) This parable actually goes all the way to verse 35 and ultimately, the point Jesus was making was that if we're forgiven for so much, then we also need to forgive others with the same kind of mercy. What really struck me about this verse, though, is the way the Father operates in grace and how we often respond. We owe God a heavy debt because of our sins. However, we can never truly repay that debt. We can do all sorts of good works in the name of the LORD and we could even revert to the sacrifice of animals to atone for our sins, but that doesn't truly erase the debt, it only appeases God's wrath. But through Jesus, our just and righteous Father is able to also be merciful. So, we come to God like this slave in the above verse. God sees that we are not truly able to repay Him, no matter how long we have. So He forgives the debt. The problem, though, is that we sometimes try to repay Him anyway. While God wants us to stay true and not accumulate future debt, so to speak, it would actually insult His grace for us to try to repay Him for the debt He already erased.
A) My first response is to fulfill the point Jesus was making. I have been forgiven for sins I cannot number, so it is absurd, insulting to God, and unjustified for me to ever hold unforgiveness toward anyone, regardless of the level of their sin against me. My mind can wander toward the most egregious offenses to me, but my heart must be committed to mercy and forgiveness, because of the mercy and forgiveness already given to me. Second to that, I need to walk in thankfulness toward the LORD for the mercy He's given me, and my service and sacrifice to Him should be out of obedience or worship, not out of recompense or repayment.
P) Father, I can never fully comprehend the amount of mercy You afford to me. The grace involved is too much for me to truly grasp. I understand in part, but help me accept in full. Holy Spirit, continue to open my eyes to all the ways I have received mercy and grace, so that I can walk in mercy and grace toward others, more easily and more quickly and more completely. I pray that I am never in a position to have to forgive some one for some outrageous, terrible offense, because I pray You protect me and my family from such afflictions. But, if I ever find myself in that desperate place, in that moment especially, remind me again of this verse and all of the compassion You have on me and all the world. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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