Wednesday, February 1, 2012

SOAP 02/01/2012; Exodus 31:14

Today's reading: Exodus 30,31,32; Acts 8

S)"14 Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people."

Exodus 31:14 (NASB)

O) Jesus said in Mark, chapter 2, that the sabbath is made for man, not man for the sabbath. He made it clear, throughout His ministry, that it is, in fact, okay to work on the sabbath. So, when I read this passage, I see a different tone in it. It still seems to hold some truth in it's result, but not as a pronouncement of punishment, so much as a consequence. The sabbath was still made for us, so we should take it as the gift that it is. If our refusal to observe the sabbath would result in death, then our deliberate observence would result in life. Jesus cleared away the death sentence, but did He also clear away the life-giving of this rest? I don't think He did.

A) As a staff member at my church, it's easy to forget what it's like, just being an average pew warmer. Sunday is most assuredly, not a day of rest for me. But, it's still important that I retain a day of rest as much as possible, each week. Saturday is the next logical choice, since I work M-F. Besides, that's the historical sabbath anyway. While I can still work on Saturdays, whether cleaning up around the house or helping some one move, I think I should still avoid it. The solution isn't to simply put everything off, though. When God provided manna, He ordered Israel to collect twice as much on the 6th day, so that they would have some for the sabbath. I need to be sure that I am getting things done early, instead of putting them off in the name of rest (or any other reason, really).

P) Father, continue to work laziness out of me. Shape me by Your discipline, Father, so that I am working ahead of schedule, so that I can responsibly take a day of rest. Holy Spirit, show me the areas where I need to improve. Help me prioritize my work and get things done ahead of time, so that I can enjoy the rest You intend me to have. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. The new testament tells us that Jesus was tortured, beaten and was crucified on friday, died on saturday, i think the apostles and the early Christians, did not consider it (Saturday) very appropriate to celebrate the Lords Day, instead they chose Sunday to meet for worship because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Lords day. I believed God sanctified Sunday which has a more biblical significance. Remember Jesus has authority He is the Lord of the sabbath or rest. Matt. 11:28 Jesus said :I will give you rest.
