Friday, January 6, 2012

SOAP 01/06/2012; Luke 6:30

Today's reading: Genesis 15,16,17; Luke 6

S)"30 Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back."

Luke 6:30 (NASB)

O) I've heard a lot of people question the literal meaning of "turn the other cheek" and how Jesus may have been speaking in hyperbole. I don't subscribe to that. I think the standard that God is asking us to reach is simply that high, and this is another case like that. Giving to everyone who asks? Even if they're just going to use the money for alcohol? Even if we know for a fact that they're on drugs? Jesus didn't qualify the command. Perhaps equally difficult is the second portion. If our house is robbed, we're just supposed to let it go? Whoa! I'm not sure how far that goes, exactly. I mean, suppose that same drug addict you know is the one who stole from you, and you know who/where they are, Jesus is telling us not to pursue them? That's going to take serious humility.

A) The key, I believe, starts with how I see 90% of my world... When Kristin and I took the Crown Financial class, one of the first things I really learned from that course was about non-tithing. See, we had already learned the lessons of tithing very well. God began blessing us and giving us more and more financial freedom from the very first month we committed to tithing. Since then, it's been a no-brainer. But what I learned from the class is that I'm not giving 10% to God; I'm giving it to the church. The significance there is that the remaining 90% was never intended to be mine. It's still God's! So, if I start to change my mindset, understanding that every material thing (at least) I have belongs to God, then what do I care if some one else wants something I'm holding? I'm supposed to be a good steward of what God has given me, so I should protect it, but I should also certainly obey what Jesus commands, all the more readily!

P) Father, help me to continue to see all of these possessions as Yours and not mine. Help me to be increasingly giving. Holy Spirit, lead me in generosity. Show me when, where, and how the Father wants His money spent, how He wants His possessions handled. Help me let go of the things in this world, because no one can truly steal from You, Lord. I will rest in the knowledge that You supply security and provision, not these things which surround me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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