Saturday, October 15, 2011

SOAP 10/15/2011; Acts 4:13

Today's reading: Nehemiah 13; Malachi 1,2; Acts 4

S) "13 Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus."

Acts 4:13 (NASB)

O) Oh, how I wish more Christians would realize the implications of this passage! See, preaching the gospel, talking to people about Jesus and God's love, grace, and mercy - even praying for this sick - all of it was done by the early apostles who had no seminary training or official credentials. I'm in favor of furthering education, but in everything eternal (which are absolutely the most important things) the education we need the most is simply spending time with Jesus! Time with Him changes our character, increases our abilities, and opens the door for us to be used in tremendous ways!

A) The Word is an excellent way to spend time with Jesus. He is the manifested Word of God, so studying Scripture might be the easiest way to spend time with Jesus. The second way through prayer. Listening for Him is even more important than talking, and waiting upon His instruction is spending time with Him. But, when Jesus walked the earth, lots and lots of people heard Him speak, they heard His instruction. There were many who even obeyed His call to repentance and returning to God. However, these disciples spent time just being around Him. The best way to do that now, is to spend time entrenched in His Spirit. Usually, that will come through time of worship. The Bible promises that the LORD inhabits the praises of His people. So, if I am committing time to worship, I will begin to feel His Spirit upon me. It almost seems sci-fi, but simply by being in His presence regularly, it will increase my confidence and boldness, even my very ability, to proclaim the Gospel effectively.

P) Father, I want to be used by You. I want to be effective in giving people the Good News. I know that there are lots of ways I can prepare myself and through practice and education, I can become a more effective disciple for You. But God, I know that simply spending time in Your presence will magnify whatever other education or abilities I have. Anoint me for the purposes of showing people Your grace and mercy, God. Holy Spirit, surround me with Your presence daily, so that I am as confident, bold, sure, and able to deliver Your Word, as I can possibly be. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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