Saturday, December 10, 2011

SOAP 12/10/2011; 2 Timothy 3:16

Today's reading: 2 Timothy 1,2,3,4

S) "16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"

2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)

O) All of the Bible is God-breathed. I like the NIV because of that phrasing. The word "inspire" (used in the NASB translation) has its roots in the same word for "spirit" and "breathe" which is why we see the dual-translation (God-breathed or inspired). I like the imagry of the NIV translation, though, because that's what it's like when God is speaking through us. It's like God is breathing words directly into us. Furhermore, "all" does not mean "some" or even "most" but it means that there is nothing excluded here. This is especially important regarding the Old Testiment, which many Christians under-value. There can be no doubt, though, that it is also useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. God hasn't changed just because the covenant has, and studying the OT is an amazing way to become familiar with who God is, how His personality is, and how to please Him; not from the standpoint of avoiding sin, but from the standpoint of blessing Him more directly.

A) There are a lot of verses that remind me to keep doing what I'm doing. This verse isn't new to me, but it's no less crucial for not being news. It's no less vital, because I already know it. I need to continue to place a considerable value on the Word. I think this process of reading every day and journaling is already producing more character in me, but I want it to do more. I think, as I close out this first 6 months, I need to start looking ahead at really meditating more on the Word, and not just the study. I need to dwell on it throughout the day. Part of that will be to get to journaling earlier in the day, allowing more time for that contemplation. Also, I need to slow down when I read. Sometimes I'm treating the Bible more like a history book, still worth studying, than I am the living Word of God, worth absorbing. If God were to open His mouth right now, and speak audibly in my ear, would I respond the way that I do after reading the verses marked out in my devotional? Brief contemplation and then a short essay? I can no longer read the Bible, or study the Bible, I need to hear the Bible. I need to breathe the Word.

P) Father, help me appreciate Your words, God. I want to do more than consider them. I want to live and die by them, as Jesus instructed us. Your word is the bread of life to me. Holy Spirit, breathe the words of the Father into me. Help me dwell on them throughout my day. Help me meditate on the words as I read them, and long after I've read them. I want Your Word to be planted deep in my heart, God, in fertile soil, so that it bears fruit in my life, namely righteousness. I don't just want to avoid sin, I want to do good things to bless Your heart. I want my life to please You wholly. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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