Monday, December 5, 2011

SOAP 12/05/2011; Ephesians 5:3

Today's reading: Ephesians 5,6; Psalms 119:1-80

S) "3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people."

Ephesians 5:3 (NIV)

O) This became a life-verse to me as soon as I read about it in the book, Every Young Man's Battle, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. There is a very strong line drawn, a very high standard used, with the verbage used in this verse. I used the NIV version, because that word, "hint" is so concise and definitive. It makes it very easy to answer questions regarding sexual immorality. Is it ok to watch this movie? Well, is there even a hint of sexual immorality in you watching it? If so, then no. Is it ok to go into a store that sells lingerie? Well, is there even a hint of sexual immorality in you being in that store? If so, then no. The biggest issue with this sort of purity test, though, is that it's always going to be a matter of the heart. There's no outward sign that there is a hint of sexual immorality (or other impurity, or greed). The NASB translation says these things shouldn't be "named among you." This is a good barometer for some one who is honestly trying to gauge their own heart. If some one saw you doing it (whatever "it" is), could they name it sexual immorality, impurity, or greed? If so, then don't do it. That's somewhere in the neighborhood of "better safe than sorry." The main reason I'm less keen on that translation, though, is that we shouldn't exactly use the behavior of others as our moral barometer, even in the name of being overly careful.

A) Here's the best application, I think: Instead of trying to define the borders, the outer limits of holiness, and how far the boundries can be pushed and what, exactly, falls on each side of that line... I need to concern myself with finding the center of purity. People like to say that the world isn't black & white (which I contest, but that's a different argument). They say there is a lot of gray area in our world. I say that I need to stay out of the gray areas of purity and live in the clean white areas. I need to keep myself pure in such a way, that if some one saw my every move, I wouldn't need to explain myself in anyway. That is pure white, no gray area.

P) Father, forgive me for my sins. Thank You for Your mercies, Lord. I know that the battle for purity, all kinds of purity and not just sexual purity, is a life-long battle. The fight never really ends because my enemies, satan and my own flesh, will never let up. Holy Spirit, strengthen my hands, just as You strengthened Nehemiah's. I need to fight and not grow weary in my battle. Help me recognize it as a battle and fight with honor. Remind me of the people for whom I am fighting... that it's not just myself that faces the consequences of failure, but that my purity means blessings or curses to my wife and children. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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