Sunday, December 4, 2011

SOAP 12/03/2011; Romans 14:19

Today's reading: Romans 13,14,15,16

S) "19 So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another."

Romans 14:19 (NASB)

O) I don't think enough attention is paid to this sort of command. It's hard to establish and maintain peace with one another, even as Christians. Despite the vast agreements in basic dogma, there are still plenty of details that cause dispute, or at least difference of opinion. I think, too often, we dismiss how others might think or feel in the name of "I'm not trying to please other people." Consideration is under-valued, and I don't think this changes when looking at believers and non-believers.

A) I'm guilty of this as often as anyone, I'm afraid. I have the blessed grace to be married to the most considerate person I've ever known, though. God knew what He was doing, even though I didn't know what He was doing, when He created my wife. I've learned a lot about the value and importance of consideration through the simple process of puting myself in the mindset of another person. Some of that, I'm sure, simply comes with age; however, a big part of my progress has been sheer effort. Unfortunately, I don't know if I qualify as a considerate person, but I am trying to improve that. I need to remember, first of all, that it's simply a command I must obey. Beyond that, though, I need to remember the value of being considerate. The gospel is cast in a poor light without consideration. Compassion can be easily misunderstood or mistaken without consideration. Offense and pain can be avoided through consideration. Friendships can be nurtured - even healed - through consideration. The list goes on and on. Remembering all these things is helpful in pursuing peace and building up others, being considerate.

P) Father, continue to soften my heart, God. I want to be humble and put the thoughts and feelings of others ahead of my own concerns, or selfish apathy. Holy Spirit, give me discernment to avoid offense and frustrations. Give me wise words to speak and help me say them in the best possible way to avoid misunderstandings and hurt. Even in cases when I have to instruct or correct, lead me so that Your purpose is done according to Your will. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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