Saturday, August 6, 2016

SOAP 08/05/2016; John 7:47-49

Today's reading: 2 Kings 23; 2 Chronicles 35; John 7

S) "47 The Pharisees then answered them, 'You have not also been led astray, have you? 48 No one of the rulers or Pharisees has believed in Him, has he? 49 But this crowd which does not know the Law is accursed.'"

John 7:47-49 (NASB)

O) The Pharisees had sent officers to arrest Jesus, but they were unable (v.30). When they came and reported to the Pharisees, and they noted that no one had ever spoken like Jesus, they responded with the above words. It is noteworthy, not just the words they replied, but the tone, the attitude, the posture of their reply. These were leaders in their community, religious men who were supposed to shepherd their people, in a difficult social and political time. Yet, they had completely missed the Christ. Not only had they, themselves missed Him, but they were trying to prevent others from recognizing Him as well.

A) It is a very difficult thing, to realize we can't trust the wisdom, discernment, or motives of a person who should be leading us. I've never experienced this firsthand in the church, but I know it happens. The most notable thing about the response from the Pharisees, I think, is the unadulterated venom in their words. When an untrustworthy leader is afraid, as they were, they don't just defend their own view, they attack all others. The Pharisees here attacked the character of both, the men reporting to them, and everyone else in the crowds, while appealing to their own self-righteous standing. Those are red flags that I must beware, if I am ever bringing up a topic with a leader in the church. As Christians, we should not operate in fear, in anyway. Most especially, though, we should never fear of truth is being questioned, because we are confident that truth will prevail. In just the same way, if anyone I'm leading, whether that's my family or anyone else, if they have questions about an unpopular view possibly being true, I must be willing to hear them out. If it is a false doctrine, or bad teaching, I must address it with love and compassion, not vitriol and animosity.

P) Father, thank You for the reliable, unchanging, authoritative truth of Scripture. Please continue to open my eyes and ears, that I may discern between truth and lies. Help me to recognize false teaching, to address it with gentleness and empathy. Help me to also recognize bad leadership, if it is ever unwilling to hear me out or if leaders respond combative let. Help me to always desire truth in humility. I want to honor You as Your servant, as I seek to know You more and better. Let Uour will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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