Sunday, July 31, 2016

SOAP 07/31/2016; John 2:24-25

Today's reading: Isaiah 63, 64; Psalm 107; John 2

S) "24 But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, 25 and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man."

John 2:24-25 (NASB)

O) Talk about an understatement. Jesus didn't need anyone to tell Him that the people were not trustworthy, not with knowing who He is at that time. Just as He had told Mary that His time had not come (v.4), at this point in His ministry, it was not time for Him to confirm who He is. What I found particularly notable about this passage, though, were the phrases, "He knew all men," and, "He Himself knew what was in man." One thing that was notable about the ministry of Jesus, is that He had simplified the law, summing up hundreds of commands with just two (love God, love others, per Matthee 7:12). But, in doing that, He also elaborated that our obedience toward God is a matter of the heart. So, He had a lot of "But I say," moments (see Matthew 5:22, 28, 32). He knew  the heart of man, and the way He explained our wicked hearts is so unlike any other religion. The way He revealed our desperate guilt, as an inward issue, not an outward one, is completely unique. His knowledge of the hearts of men, both in the hypotheticals and parables, and also in the personal relationships, this is something that makes Jesus's words, and the gospel message, so powerful.

A) Jesus knows all my sinful deeds, and He knows all my sinful desires, and yet He still loves me. He is not caught off guard. He is not surprised. He knows what my greatest issue is, that my heart is prone to idolatry, and self-worship, and yet He offers to create in me a clean heart. He offers to forgive my sinful deeds, and the sins I have committed in my desires for idolatrous things. Jesus was not ready to entrust His identity to the men at that time, because it was not yet His hour to be crucified. But I thank God, that at just the right time, He revealed Himself as the Savior of the world, and as my own personal Savior. I must thank God, that He sees me for who I truly am, even at my very worst, and He still chooses to love me. How great is that love, indeed, that even while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me (Romans 5:8).

P) Father, thank You for entrusting me with the gospel. Thank Yoh for revealing the truth about Jesus to me, and revealing the truth about my need for His saving grace. Please continue Your work in my heart, Lord. I desire to be a better temple for You. I desire to be more honorable, and to glorify Yoh better. Let Your grace cover my inadequacy, to make Your name great among the people I encounter. Let Your will be done in me, that the gospel may be seen clearly. I pray that others can see who Jesus really is, and the reality of their need for Him. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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