Saturday, April 28, 2012

SOAP 04/28/2012; 2 Samuel 3:35

Today's reading: 2 Samuel 3; 1 Chronicles 12; Matthew 15
S)"35 Then all the people came to persuade David to eat bread while it was still day; but David vowed, saying, 'May God do so to me, and more also, if I taste bread or anything else before the sun goes down.'"
2 Samuel 3:35 (NASB)
O) First, I don't think the people where deliberately trying to sabotage David's fast, but I think maybe they just didn't realize how important it was (or is). When we make a commitment to fast for a time, it cannot be overstated, how important it is to follow through with the fast. While that can make fasting a little intimidating for some people, it's something that can be practiced. Fasting is a very good way to sacrifice something to the LORD for a time (it can be specific foods, all food, types of drink, or something else done/used daily that's important, like internet or tv or texting). This particular fast of David's seemed to be just for the remainder of the day (after hearing of Abner's death, until sundown.
A) I've done numerous fasts throughout my walk with God. Sometimes for crucial, urgent pruposes, and sometimes just as a matter of discipline and sacrifice. But, this verse is a great reminder to follow through, because sometimes it's easy to get distracted or feel like the fast is pointless or that it's already served its purpose (like when I fast for a person who's going to the doctor for test results, and the results come back good before my fast is actually over). I need to follow through, regardless of other circumstances.
P) Father, Your grace to me extends to my provision, my job, my family, even my ability to do work at all. Because of that, LORD, I know that there are few things I can give You, that You haven't already given to me. I know my worship honors You this way, and I want my times of fasting to be included as worship that way too, LORD. Holy Spirit, strengthen and encourage me to follow through when I make commitments to fast as a sacrifice. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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