Sunday, April 22, 2012

SOAP 04/22/2012; Psalm 63:1

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 25,26; Psalm 63; Matthew 9
S)"1 O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly;
My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You,
In a dry and weary land where there is no water."
Psalm 63:1 (NASB)
O) I've read a lot of Psalms and heard a lot of songs that refer to thirsting for God with various similes and metaphors. Like, "As the deer pants for waters, so my soul longs for You." (Psalm 42:1). So, when I read this verse, I actually had to do a double take. I thought it was saying that David thirsts for God like a a desert, when the land is weary and dry. That's not what it says though. When I slowed it down and re-read it, I saw that David was saying he is actually in that place, dry and weary where there is no water. Yet, even in such desperate circumstances, it's not water or rest that David longs to have, but the LORD is still his heart's desire. It's like he's saying, even if he was dying of thirst, he would want the LORD, not water.
A) I sometimes feel convicted when I'm singing worship songs with severe lyrics and I do not feel that way at the moment. A classic example of this, and the song that came immediately to mind, was the song "Desperate" by School of Worship. Whenever that happens, and it's the same in reading this verse this morning, I feel like it's a red flag to slow myself down and re-focus on the LORD. So, as I prepare to worship the LORD this morning in church, this verse is my prayer - to long for God like David did, even more than wanting water if I was in a desert.
P) Father, I know that I'm never going to be worthy of Your grace, because that's the nature of grace. But, I want to honor You with the way I live my life, especially with the way I worship. Holy Spirit, stir within me to rekindle my heart's desire for You, LORD. O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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