S) "2 O my God, I cry by day, but You do not answer;
And by night, but I have no rest.
3 Yet You are holy,
O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel."
Psalm 22:2-3 (NASB)
O) At the beginning of this psalm, David was crying out with some shaky-sounding faith. He described ceaseless crying, day and night. The phrase "I have no rest" carries a footnote that says it literally means, "there is no silence for me." David had an educated understanding about crying out to the LORD. Throughout the history of his people, when the Israelites cried out to the LORD, God would answer and deliver them. When the people were enslaved in Egypt, they cried out to the LORD and He delivered them. The expression was used in Judges, every time the people were oppressed, then God would answer and deliver them. But here was David, crying out to the LORD all day and night, with no reprieve, and there was no answer. But then immediately, David acknowledges that none of his circumstances change who God is. He was saying, in essence, that God could choose to answer or not, but the LORD was still God, the same One who is enthroned upon the praises of Israel (which has a footnote: Or inhabit the praises).
A) The first lesson here, is humility. I must remember that God is who He says He is. His character does not change, based on my circumstances. The second lesson, is to persevere. David did not simply cry out all day. He didn't cry for a bit, then take breaks. David cried out all day and night, without silences (or resting). Last, it is not enough for me to will myself to these two conclusions. David took his affirming thoughts further, by actually praising the LORD, calling Him holy, and acknowledging that He is close even if David had no answer from God. These are the truths I need to speak, in the hardest times of my life. These are the truths that will pierce my doubts and keep me close to the LORD, even when I cannot hear His answers. In taking that last point a step further, I must always remember that I can still "hear" God through the reading of His words, according to the holy Bible. While it can be difficult to glean some answers through Scripture (particularly some of the hardest, circumstantial questions), it is still comforting to have the sure words of God. This is even more true, because of the Comforter left to me by Jesus Christ.
P) Father, You are holy. That is perhaps the most pure worship I can offer. You are completely above all You have created - which is everything else that exists. You are wholly different, more magnificent, greater, stronger, wiser, and just more, than all else. Thank You for the affirming surety of the holy Bible. Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank You for the reconciliation I have in Christ Jesus, my Savior, that I can be in a right relationship with You. Thank You for the easy times I have experienced. I know that more difficult times are likely ahead of me, but I know You are preparing me, even now. You will sustain me through the hardest, most fierce of storms I may have in life. Help me to persevere in prayer, to keep my faith in Your holiness and eternal promises, given by the redemption I now have through the work of the cross and the power of the gospel. Be glorified. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.