Thursday, November 20, 2014

SOAP 11/20/2014; Matthew 7:28-29

Today's reading: Matthew 5, 6, 7

S) "28 When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at His teaching; 29 for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes."
Matthew 7:28-29 (NASB)

O) These are the final verses that follow, what is widely regarded as, the greatest sermon ever preached (or at least recorded). All three chapters from today's reading comprise the Sermon on the Mount, which is a super broad, diverse, and long sermon. There are so many crucial teachings, including the beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer, that it is virtually impossible to pull out just a few verses as particularly important. Every time I read through these chapters, it seems that something new will jump out, because they are so dense with rich teaching. This particular time, when I got to these last two verses, I realized how amazed I still am at these teachings. This is for the same basic (yet profound) reason that they were amazed: these are just clever words or wise sayings. These are the very words of God Himself, divinely revealed. What's more, is that they are not simply instructions for better living, or tips for improving relationships. These words reveal more than authoritative mandates; they reveal the authority of the one speaking. In this regard, the Sermon on the Mount, the New Testament, even the entire Bible, is about revealing God's character, as much as it is about revealing His instructions for living.

A) When the prophets of old spoke, it was not by their own authority. When Moses spoke, it was not by his own authority. The judges, the kings, the later prophets, the Pharisees - all of them were speaking with inherited authority. Jesus spoke by His own authority. The Bible, the written Word of God, speaks directly by the authority of God Himself. This is why people do not feel offended or convicted by fortune cookies or Confucius. But, wherever the Bible is quoted, wherever God is quoted, people will be offended or convicted. It's easy to remember that I am reading the very words of God, when I'm reading the red letters. When I'm reading other parts of the Bible, though, it's easy for me to forget the true weight of the words I read. I must humble myself to always approach the Bible with the same reverence and amazement that the people felt, as they were impressed by His direct authority.

P) Father, amaze me with Your words and authority. Open my eyes to see, and ears to hear, the true nature of Your words. Help me to recognize all of Your words as being directly from You, inspired directly by the Holy Spirit. Simply put, God, I want to revere You more. I humble myself before You, asking for more of Your discipline in my life. Soften my heart to receive Your words correctly, and let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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