Saturday, September 3, 2016

SOAP 08/30/2016; Revelation 4:8

Today's reading: Ezekiel 8, 9, 10, 11; Revelation 4

S) "And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say,
'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.'"

Revelation 4:8 (NASB)

O) There are a few things I notice with this passage. First of all, the four creatures (described in v.7) are all different forms, but share in notable traits. Only one of them should have wings (the one like a flying eagle), and yet all of them have six wings. I suppose also that only one of them should be able to talk (the one with the face like a man), but all four of them speak. Also, in two different ways, John describes that they are full of eyes, in front and behind (v.7) and around and within (v.8). Very different in their carnal or natural representations (lion, calf, man, eagle), but very much the same in their supernatural traits (wings, eyes, speech). Second, the existence of these four creatures seems to serve no other purpose, than the continual worship of God. They are not said to have any other purpose, and they are described as worshiping this way ceaselessly, day and night. Lastly, the actual words they speak of significant. They don't tell of His wisdom. They don't tell of His judgment or righteousness, mercy or love. They tell of His holiness, and of that holiness they describe two character traits that we, as His creations, can never actually share with Him. First, they tell of His power, which is unmatched and cannot be rivaled. He is the Almighty. His power is so complete, so utterly beyond us, so holy is He in His power, that no one even has power that was not given by Him. Second, they tell of His eternal, uncreated, and independently existent being.

A) My initial response to this, and the thing that should be the most constant, is my humility. I must recognize that the holiness of God, and His eternal, independent, and uncreated existence is a part of His being that I cannot really comprehend, I can only apprehend it. I must understand that He is holy in His power beyond anything I can fully grasp. There are many things about His holiness, that I am also commanded to be holy like Him. He is full of grace for His enemies, showing love to traitorous mankind, by sending His Son to die for them while they were still sinners. He is compassionate, taking up the cause of the widow, orphan, and alien, when they have no one else. He judges with righteousness. He is full of lovingkindness. In all of these kinds of traits, He is completely holy and different from humans, and yet we are called to be this way with Him when we are in Christ. However, in the holiness of His very existence, I cannot really share, as I am a created being. In the holiness of His power, I cannot really share, as any power I would ever wield, would only ever come from Him. This kind of holiness, in His power, and in His very existence, this holiness humbles me. That humility is my first application. The second thing is, and this is something a worship leader once pointed out to me years ago, is that I can share in a very special thing. These creatures, even now, must be saying this phrase in the heavenly place. While I am here, it can be a very special, very powerful act of worship, to share in their words for my God. To declare with them, that He is holy, holy, holy. That He is the Almighty, who was and is and who is to come.

P) Father, You are holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty. You are, and were, and are to come. Your holiness is even beyond what I can know. You are deserving of unceasing worship, and I desire to worship You more. Open my eyes and ears, Lord. Help me to be more aware of You, more aware of Your presence and power. Help me to be more mindful of You, to be more sensitive to Your Spirit. Just have Your way with me, God. That's my prayer today. I want to be holy as You are holy, to be set apart for Your purposes. Let Your will be done in my life, and on earth as it is in heaven. Be glorified in every way, by every tongue. You are holy, holy, holy, Lord God, Almighty. You are, and were, and are to come. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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