Wednesday, August 10, 2016

SOAP 08/10/2016; John 12:32-33

Today's reading: Jeremiah 5, 6; John 12

S) "32 'And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.' 33 But He was saying this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die."

John 12:32-33 (NASB)

O) As Jesus had entered Jerusalem for the last time, and the story of the resurrection of Lazarus had circulated, some of the Greeks who were apparently converted to Judaism (v.20), came to follow Jesus (v.21). When Jesus was asked about this, He told the disciples that the Father will honor anyone who serves Jesus (v.26). This was, no doubt, in reference to the question about Greeks following Jesus, who were not Jews - and after all, the Messiah was for the Jews. After explaining that His hour had come, and that He was to be crucified soon, and after voicing His commitment to that cause, the Father affirmed it for Jesus (v.28). After that, Jesus circles around to the topic of Gentiles following Him again, with the words above. I have known for a long time, that Jesus said no one comes to Him unless the Father draws them (see John 6:44). But, I have also always believed that somehow, God must draw everyone to Jesus. I think the harmony of these verses, is the before and after timeframe of the crucifixion. While Jesus was ministering His three and a half years, it was exclusively to the Jews. As the Old Testament moves closer and closer to the time of Jesus, we see more and more references to the apostasy, and that there will only be a remnant saved. When the Messiah finally appears, that's what we see. I think that's the time frame, or even the people group, that Jesus meant when He said the Father must draw them. That's in reference to the remnant to be saved out of the Jewish apostasy. Only the Jews that the Father drew were going to be saved. But, when Jesus was lifted up (i.e., crucified), He drew all men to Himself. The reality of His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension is powerful. I think it is so powerful, that people are drawn to it; it appeals to all people on some level or another.

A) Everyday, I need the mercy of God. Everyday, I am thankful for the gospel. Everyday, I am drawn to Jesus because He was lifted up. That is my response to this verse. I can easily get distracted with theological debates about what it means to be elected, or what predestination entails, or who exactly is called to Jesus and what God's sovereignty means in that. At the end of everyday, however, I know that I am drawn to Him. Everything else pales in comparison to the reality that I need Jesus, and I am drawn to Him for the sacrifice He made for me. I am drawn to Him for the reality of His love and grace for me. I am humbled, each time I sin, realizing that I need His blood to cover me all the time.

P) Father, You are holy, and I confess that I struggle to keep myself holy. I want to remain devoted to You, set apart and separated from the world, to be Yours and Yours alone. It is a struggle, Lord. You deserve better. You deserve my best. I confess that too often, I am giving You my least. I don't want that, Lord. Thank You for the grace I still receive, I still need. Thank You for Your mercies, which are new every morning. Thank You for drawing me to Jesus, each and every day. I need that love, that grace in my life. Please comfort me with the Holy Spirit, and remind me of Your love for me as my Father in heaven. I submit myself to Your discipline, if that means it will bring about the character in me that You desire and deserve. Open my eyes and ears, to follow You more closely. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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