Monday, July 4, 2016

SOAP 07/02/2016; Jude 3

Today's reading: Isaiah 4, 5; Psalms 115, 116; Jude

S) "Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints."

Jude 3 (NASB)

O) This is a brief side note from Jude, but it does bring up an important point. I don't think it is assuming too much, to say Jude is disclosing a submission to the Lord's will, setting aside his own interest and what he no doubt considered a wise endeavor. Certainly, he had important things to say about our common salvation, and I am sure it would have been beneficial. While he doesn't explicitly say that the Holy Spirit directed him otherwise, it's reasonable to think that God was leading him to a different topic. False teachers were already sprouting up within the church, and a many different topics were causing Christians grief in their misrepresentation and deceit. Even if Jude wasn't specifically led by God to change his topic, he's still displaying wisdom in prioritizing his message according to the most pressing need.

A) Choosing my battles is important in my marriage, in parenting, and really in every relationship I have. Learning to prioritize issues to address is important in maintaining peace, setting the culture of my family, and even averting some amount of disasters. The most important skill to have, in choosing my battles, is learning to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. That really only happens with practice, being mindful of the still small voice within me. I need to acknowledge when I follow that conviction and it turns out for my good. When circumstances bear witness that it was indeed the Lord leading me, I need to recognize that and celebrate it, remembering when it happens, so that it becomes easier and easier to know my Shepherd's voice in the future.

P) Father, thank You for being my wonderful Counselor. Open my ears, to properly hear Your voice. Give me the boldness to follow Your lead, and the wisdom to understand when I have followed well, that I may make firm memories to testify to Your wisdom, Your conviction, and Your will. Help me to prioritize my words, to choose my battles well. I want to make the most of every conversation, and honor Yoyr name at every opportunity. Let Your will be done, for Your glory. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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