Friday, June 24, 2016

SOAP 06/24/2016; 1 Timothy 6:3-4

Today's reading: 2 Kings 11, 12; 2 Chronicles 24; 1 Timothy 6

S) "If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; but he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions,"

1 Timothy 6:3-4 (NASB)

O) This is a list of red flags, to recognize the beginnings of false doctrine and bad teachers. The two main points of this passage, really rest on the phrases, "those of our Lord Jesus Christ," and "doctrine conforming to godliness," because those are the two central points of our faith. Doctrines which stray from what Jesus taught, or doctrines which lead to ungodliness, are both wrong. Teachings, discussions, and debates that are centered on controversy or semantics are seldom fruitful. More often than not, those are easily recognized by the outcome they produce. Namely, if a doctrine is being taught and, while it is discussed, there is envy, strife, abusive language, or evil suspicions from the person teaching it, then it is categorically wrong. This is how the authority of the apostles was confirmed. None of Paul's writings, or Peter's, or John's, or the other New Testament writers, taught anything contrary to what Jesus taught Himself. Their writings were all doctrine that conforms to godliness. Where controversy arose, they sought peace and encouragement, often bringing the issue directly back to the teaching of Christ. Paul began his letter to Timothy addressing this subject (1 Timothy 1:6) and he closes with the same topic. This is a mark of the importance of this issue.

A) Nature and nurture have worked together, making me prone to semantic debates. I am also prone to a fair amount of legalistic views. This comes from my analytical personality, paired with some of the jobs I've had in the past. Because of that, I must be careful when reading the Bible, that I am not taking figurative things too literally, and I am not making doctrines or dogma out of anecdotal passages. As far as guarding against other false teachers, like Timothy, I should beware teachers who seem to promote controversy, spread strife, use abusive language, or cast evil suspicions. The more grounded I stay in studying the Bible myself, the easier it will be to recognize this. At the same time, I also need to guard myself from doing these same things. Sometimes, even biblical controversies will be interesting to me and I'll way to discuss them. However, if I ever recognize that my own speech is resembling any of the above problems, then I must immediately stop participating. That would not reflect godliness, and it would be a clear indication that I am acting out of conceit and understanding very little.

P) Father, thank You for changing me. Thank You for the grace at work in my heart, and the way You continue to discipline me as a son. I invite that, Lord. I want to be an obedient son. I want to be a servant who is a faithful representative of his Master. Help me to stand up for truth and peace. Help me to speak in wisdom and love, any time controversies or disputes come my way. At the same time, Father God, lead me not into temptation with that kind of talk. Help me to avoid it where it will be unfruitful. I don't want to be enrapt by morbid curiosities. Help me keep my focus on You, to keep my discussions centered on the teachings of Christ Jesus. Let me be an ambassador of peace, in Jesus's name. Please guard my heart and mind, to recognize false teachers and bad doctrines. In everything, glory and honor belong to You alone, Lord. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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