S) "24 The sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after. 25 Likewise also, deeds that are good are quite evident, and those which are otherwise cannot be concealed."
1 Timothy 5:24-25 (NASB)
O) These verses, like the verse just before them, are almost free-standing from the rest of the chapter. Because the previous verse (v.23) is so personal, these also come across like personal reminders for Timothy, himself. These verses do shadow the teachings of Jesus (see Luke 12:1-3 and Matthew 6:1-8), when we are alternately warned or comforted that the Father knows all that we do. Some of those things still become quite evident to people, even when we are trying to keep them concealed. Even when Jesus healed people, and wanted to keep it discreet, they would sometimes go proclaiming it to others. So, when we do either good or bad works, sometimes we simply cannot control the evidence of it. Similarly, whether or not we can keep it secret, God knows, and in the end, He judges everything and everyone with justice and righteousness. In this context, I think there is a dual reminder for Timothy. First, the reminder that he's not going to know about everyone's secret sins. Second, that he doesn't need to worry about being recognized for his hard work.
A) While this passage does have some unspoken direction, or subtle instruction, at its core this passage is a declaration of God's nature. His perfect omniscience and justice ensures that sin will be punished and righteousness will be rewarded, whether or not other people ever find out. As I mentioned above, this is both a great comfort and a grave warning. This passage should really help shape motivations for righteous living. God knows the sinful temptations I indulge. God knows the goodness of my service. This is a combination of learning to fear Him and learning to love Him. If my fear of man is leading me to try and hide my sins, then the fear of God should remedy that and lead me to confession. If my desire for the approval of man is leading me to self-promote my good works, then my desire for the approval of God should remedy that and lead me to discretion and humility.
P) Father, You are a perfect judge. Sometimes, it's hard for me to remember that, because Your judgment is not always immediately felt. However, when I am thinking about Your judgment, righteousness, and holiness, then I realize that my guilt does deserve immediate punishment. Because of that, I want to also recognize Your constant grace. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to repent. Help me to immediately confess my sins, and by doing so, declare Your perfect character. When I am walking in righteousness, and seeking to do good works, let me always start from a place of humility. I want to be a servant who is approved by my Master. Even more than that, I want to be a servant whose only concern, is pleasing his Master. Help me to be focused on You, to avoid temptation and to seek good works. Help me to be motivated by a proper fear of You, and a proper love for You. Be glorified in my life. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
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