Sunday, April 24, 2016

SOAP 04/23/2016; Hosea 14:2

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 27; Psalm 141; 1 Chronicles 9; Matthew 10*

S) "Take words with you and return to the Lord.
Say to Him, 'Take away all iniquity
And receive us graciously,
That we may present the fruit of our lips.'"

Hosea 14:2 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Hosea 14

O) We know that God is sensitive to lip-service, and He is not deceived by false words. But still, there is something powerful about vocalizing our confessions, whether it's confessions of sins or confessions of faith. This whole chapter is about the return of God's people to Himself. We know not everyone returned to Him, because to do so they had to accept Jesus as their awaited Messiah. Even now, whether Jew or Gentile, those who accept Jesus as the Christ, as God, are repenting of their sins and re-turning to God. With that turning, there is a confession that takes place, and it is all the more powerful when it's vocalized.

A) The Bible's not always clear about why certain actions are paired with our faith, but every time I have tested it myself, it bears out. When praying for people, laying hands on them always seems better. The Bible says to do it, but doesn't really explain why. God can (and has) obviously healed people without that step, but it's commanded that way nonetheless and it seems to be a more powerful expression. Vocalizing our prayers is the same way. The Bible is full of instruction to cry out, to speak, to give God words. I don't always understand it, but this verse is another reminder to do just that. Anytime I speak my prayers out loud, especially confessions of sin and confessions of faith, they are more impactful to my spirit. I need to use this verse as a reminder and encouragement to do just that.

P) Father, take away all iniquity, and receive me graciously, that I may present the fruit of my lips. You are holy. You are mighty. You are just. You are righteous. You are merciful. You are compassionate. You are full of lovingkindness. You are slow to anger. You are a good Father, God. I confess that I have sinned. I confess that, at the root of my sins, I have ignored You and elected myself to be god in my heart. Help me conquer my flesh. Please accept my praise and worship, the sacrifice of my prayers and songs to You. Please help me live my life according to the words I profess. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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