Wednesday, November 18, 2015

SOAP 11/18/2015; 2 Corinthians 13:5

Today's reading: Psalm 124; 2 Corinthians 11, 12, 13

S) "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?"

2 Corinthians 13:5 (NASB)

O) There had been some doubts within the Corinthian church, because people were questioning the apostleship of Paul, and therefore questioning whether or not the Corinthians really had believed the gospel correctly. So, in the closing chapters of this letter, Paul was reassuring the church that he was indeed an apostle of Christ, and that they themselves received the gospel correctly. Paul brought up the idea of works a little later, in v.7, imploring the church to "do no wrong" and this is tied back to the verse above. If a man has doubts about his relationship with God, then he should examine himself carefully. If he can see obedience (doing no wrong) is the normal posture of his heart, and that he seeks to do good works in the name of Christ, then he passes the test.

A) For myself, I don't think I have ever struggled with doubts about where I stand with God, exactly. I've always had a pretty clear understanding of where I have been in my faith (or absence from it), throughout my life. Still, this verse carries with it a command by omission. Paul's point in this passage is that no one else should be judging if I am in the faith; I should be judging myself. In the same way, then, I should not be concerning myself with questions about someone else being in the faith, either. Certainly, there are times to rebuke someone who is sinning without repentance. There are times when a person might be struggling with self-doubts, and seek my input. Situations like those are circumstantial, but in general, it is much better for me to put questions like that out of my mind.

P) Father, thank You for making it clear to me, where I stand in my relationship with You. I know that You are God, holy and mighty, righteous and just. You are my Father in heaven, merciful and patient, loving and kind. Don't ever let me take my salvation, my relationship with You, for granted. I would sooner leave this earth, than to jeopardize my faith in Jesus Christ. Help me to use strict discipline, to not examine the lives of others without cause. If someone asks me for counsel, then please give me wisdom and understanding, and boldness to speak the truth. If someone is in danger in their sins, and You want me to rebuke them, then please give me courage and self-discipline, to carefully and lovingly approach them. In every other case, though, help me to resist my fleshly urge to question the status of other people, in their relationship to You. It is never my place to speculate. Help me to examine myself daily, though. Open my eyes and ears, especially to the Word, that I may judge myself correctly, and confess and repent from my sins. Be glorified in my life, Lord. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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