Monday, October 26, 2015

SOAP 10/22/2015; Psalm 68:19

Today's reading: Job 11, 12; Acts 15, 16*

S) "19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden,
The God who is our salvation. Selah."

Psalm 68:19 (NASB)
*because there are already entries for each of these chapters, I also read Psalm 68

O) The concept of a burden means a lot to a people who have come out of slavery. When the Israelites were coming out of Egypt, we read that God told them He was delivering them from the burdens of the Egyptians (see Exodus 6:6-7). Only a short time later, in Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, we see Moses had a difficult time being a judge, and he likened it to a burden that was too hard for him. In Job 7:20, he likens his own sins to a self-imposed burden. In a similar way, in Psalm 38:4, David also likened his iniquities to a burden too heavy for himself. But here, we see that David, who was in the middle of a much larger psalm, contextually speaking, makes the point that God, who is our salvation, bears our burden daily. When Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would break the yoke of burden from the people, we can see that it wasn't meant as a reference to slavery to other nations, because Jesus didn't establish a kingdom of flesh and blood, but a spiritual Kingdom. So, the breaking of the yoke was about spiritual burdens, and also a reference to the slavery of sin. When Jesus tells us to come, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and to take up His burden, I think it is as much about burdens of life, as it is a reference to laying down our sins, and taking up His righteousness. Jesus bore the burden of our sins, when He carried the cross to Golgotha, and allowed Himself to be hanged on it.

A) Everyday, the Lord of my Salvation bears the burden of my sins, in His eternal sacrifice on the cross. Not that Jesus must be continually crucified, He took the penalty once for all, but that my sins need His atonement every single day. Certainly, God is my Comforter. Since I laid my life down for Christ, and the Holy Spirit came upon me, I have relied on His comfort and refuge countless times. He has carried by burdens of grief, of uncertainty, and even of physical needs. However, He has also carried my burden of shame. This verse is a reminder of what David knew very well, and what I need to remember each day. The Lord saved me from myself. My God who is my salvation, bears the burdens of my weakness, my brokenness, my sins, each day. The Lord daily saves me from myself.

P) Father, blessed be Your name. You bear my burdens daily, my God who is my salvation. I am humbled by this grace. Be glorified in my weakness, and my need for my Savior. Let me be unashamed that I need the gospel every day, to change me from who I was, to the man You are calling me to be. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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