Saturday, July 25, 2015

SOAP 07/25/2015; Isaiah 43:11-12

Today's reading: Isaiah 43, 44, 45; 1 Peter 4

S) "11 'I, even I, am the LORD,
And there is no savior besides Me.
12 'It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed,
And there was no strange god among you;
So you are My witnesses,' declares the LORD,
'And I am God.'

Isaiah 43:11-12 (NASB)

O) There is a recurring theme throughout these chapters (the early 40s of Isaiah), that the LORD declared what will happen. Israel had already been captured and taken into exile to Assyria, and Judah would face the same judgment with Babylon. Neither one of those significant events should have come as any kind of surprise, because the LORD warned His people of this consequence for infidelity, even before they received the Promised Land. It is no wonder, that He is described as slow to anger. He warned them about what would happen if they forsook Him, but He waited hundreds of years to execute His judgment. Reading this in terms of a legal procession, it is no wonder that He reminded His people, over and over, that they were witnesses to Him and what He had spoken. There was no strange God among them, warning them of these things. There was no strange God among them, who was their savior. The LORD alone, is God, their God.

A) The LORD alone, is God, my God. Just as He warned about exile, He also proclaimed His Messiah who was to come. Jesus did come, but like the foretold exile, many of God's people did not witness Jesus Christ for the Truth He is. In the passage above, God's people are reminded that they are witnesses of His salvation and His words. In the same way, I am His witness that there is no savior except the LORD, God of the Bible. I too, am witness to His words. Although I didn't experience what happened in the Bible first-hand, I know the salvation of God in my own life. Although the words of the Bible were put to ink and paper thousands of years ago, His word is living and active. So, I am a witness, just as the LORD'S people have always been called to be witnesses of Him. And, what is the duty of a witness, except to testify? So I will.

P) Father, You are gracious to call me as Your witness. It is my honor, to see and know what You have done, and hear and know what You have said. I declare that You alone, LORD, are God. You proclaimed and warned Moses and Your people, what would happen when they were unfaithful. You declared and promised that the Messiah would come. Just as You said, it has happened. Most significantly, Jesus is the Christ. More than anything else, I want that to be my confession. Jesus is the Christ, my Lord, Your Son. Be glorified by my testimony. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me Isaiah 43:11 clearly without equivocation that their is NO Savior other than God, and that excludes Jesus!!
