Tuesday, May 19, 2015

SOAP 05/19/2015; Psalm 18:30

Today's reading: Psalm 18

S) "30 As for God, His way is blameless;
The word of the Lord is tried;
He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him."

Psalm 18:30 (NASB)

O) This is a relatively lengthy psalm, written when David was delivered from the hand of Saul. The timing of the psalm gives a lot of context to many of David's words, because some of those things would change (like vv.20-24). David's character changed as he ascended the throne of Israel. What has not changed, what doesn't change, is God's character. These three descriptions of God have always been true, and will always be true.

A) My first approach to this must be humility. The Lord is God, I am not God. That alone, makes Him blameless. He is my creator, so how could I ever blame Him? Everything He does is within His rights. Every plan He makes, His will for the order of things, all of it is within His complete sovereignty. He can do nothing wrong, because He created the rules. That brings us to the second line: The established words of God. He has described Himself. He has spoken what will happen. He has promised and warned people of the world (His own people, or others). In all of that, His words have been tried and… refer back to the first line. Finally, while I am firmly founded on the first two principles of this verse (that God is blameless, and proven to be so), the final line plays out a conditional promise. I have every encouragement I need, drawn from all Scripture, for me to take my refuge in Him. And His shield is better than anyone could imagine, even in the most fanciful fictions.

P) Father, You are blameless. You are my Creator, the author and perfector of my faith. Your words are tried and true, and hold life itself. Remind my heart, to return to You over and over, to seek refuge. You have proven Yourself faithful, and true in the Boble, in history, and in my own life. You are worthy of all my praise, all my devotion, all my worship, all my trust. Be glorified in my life. Be famous in my life. I pray that as I turn to You for refuge, and You prove Your shield to be mighty, I pray that Your security, words, and character are made known to all who see me. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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