Friday, January 23, 2015

SOAP 01/23/2015; Genesis 36:31

Today's reading: Genesis 36

S) "31 Now these are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the sons of Israel."

Genesis 36:31 (NASB)

O) This chapter is primarily about Esau's family line, but this verse serves as a small transition, as the subsequent verses list the various kings that ruled the lands where Esau moved. What struck me, as I read this particular verse, was the authorship of Genesis. The book was penned by Moses, after the Israelites had just escaped Egypt. It's somewhat common knowledge that most of the Israelite history up until that point, was kept via oral tradition. But, what occurred to me while reading this, and this verse in particular, was that Moses was recording the history of a people not his own, while his entire family line was in bondage in Israel for the preceding four hundred years. It seemed peculiar that Moses would have knowledge about a family line, and what was happening to it during a period when his own people had been slaves, kept in Egypt. Then, when I read this verse, and those that followed that talked about kings, I realized the connection: Moses had a nobleman's education. He was raised as a prince in Egypt, and he would have been educated about the rise and fall of the various kingdoms, nations, and tribes that surrounded Egypt, including that of Esau (nation of Edom), his fore-uncle, if you will.

A) This was another humbling line of thought. God was so faithful, so deliberate, in all of his planning of the Exodus. He was minutely detailed in the execution of His will, ensuring that Moses was given everything he needed to fulfill God's will for their escape, their education, and the preservation of His words. The story of Exodus, and how God redeemed His people, providing for them, protecting them, it all points to Jesus. Consequently, it's directly relatable to me here, now. Furthermore, this is a reminder that my life is not my own. Just as Moses' life was prepared to glorify God and bring about His plans, mine is as well. I will probably never see myself used on the same scale as Moses, but that doesn't give me any license to ignore God's call. I do not know how God will use the circumstances of my past (or future) to further His kingdom, but I should prepare myself to be ready to obey at all times.

P) Father, the vastness of Your plans, and the depths of their layers, never ceases to amaze me. I don't know the exact details of how You ensured that Moses would have this knowledge, but it is clear that You caused it to happen because You wanted it included in Your holy Word. In my life, I may not see how the tiny details might be used for Your glory in the future, but I pray that I am ready to glorify You with any part of my life or experience. Use me, Father God, to further Your kingdom according to Your will. Thank You for preparing me to do the work that You call me to do. Thank You for the promise that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength. Remind me that, apart from Him, I can do nothing. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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