Friday, December 19, 2014

SOAP 12/19/2014; John 6:15

Today's reading: John 5, 6

S) "15 So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone."

John 6:15 (NASB)

O) The first thing that struck me, here, was that people have always tried to make Jesus into something He never was. He was not an earthly king. Many of the people believed He was the Messiah, but still had a misunderstanding of who the Messiah was going to be (in that, many expected a political leader who would overthrow the rule of their oppressors and lead a revolution, a la the stories in the book of Judges). This verse is also another example of the discipline of Jesus, to seek time of intimate, exclusive prayer with the Father God.

A) Working backwards, I need to start by saying that I should never shy away from corporate prayer. There is even a place for more dynamic and "public" confession, where things like accountability can take place with a small group of men, and people can pray together over a person, event, or circumstance. Having said that, there is great value in making efforts to have secluded time to speak to my Father God, exclusively and intimately. Also, in our society today, the specifics of how people are trying to make Jesus into someone He is not, have certainly changed since the first-century, but the root problem is still the same. People have certain expectations and desires for everything in their lives, including their savior. People want to be in control. I want to be in control. If I am not submitted to The Lord, then I am prone to the sin of self-exaltation. The best practice to prevent this delusion, is to be in the Word constantly. Jesus is the Word made flesh (see John 1). So, it bears out that, by submersing myself in the Word daily, I am exposing myself to whom Jesus is in truth, not as I wish for Him to be.

P) Father, I confess that I know Your plan is perfect, and the salvation and lordship of Jesus Christ over my life is the best possible plan for me. I trust that obedience to You will lead to the best possible outcomes. I love You, and I want to follow You and become more like Your Son, regardless of other blessings that may or may not come. Your goodness, grace, love, and mercy, all lead me to repentance and obedience. I desire more exclusive time with You, Father God. Help me to see with wisdom, the best way to plan that time. I want to be wise about my schedule, and make time for that level of devoted prayer. I know it will take work and sacrifice, but I confess that both are worth it, and more. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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