Saturday, October 11, 2014

SOAP 10/11/2014; Nehemiah 6:11-12

Today's reading: Nehemiah 5, 6; Psalm 146; Luke 24

S) "11 But I said, 'Should a man like me flee? And could one such as I go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.' 12 Then I perceived that surely God had not sent him, but he uttered his prophecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him."

Nehemiah 6:11-12 (NASB)

O) Nehemiah was trying to reestablish the city of Jerusalem as a holy people, sanctified to the LORD, and he was experiencing heavy opposition from other officials, namely Sanballat and Tobiah. In v.10, a man named Shemaiah tries to convince Nehemiah to enter the temple to flee for his life. Not only would that be conceding to the fear of man, but it would also violate the Law. Nehemiah calls him on both of these points, and he was given clarity that this was a foe; he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. This became evident to Nehemiah through two main principles working together. First, he understood the words of the Law (defining which people could enter the temple, and how). Second, equally important, he understood the meaning of the Law as a whole, and the story of God that it tells - in this application specifically, that he should fear no man, only the LORD his God.

A) It is absolutely vital, to know what the Bible says. There are many, many specific instructions (even just in the New Testament) that are applicable to daily life. Equally important, though, is that I understand the Bible as a whole, and the Gospel it portrays and the character of God it reveals. If I only understand the detailed specifics, then I have nothing more than anecdotal references. If I am only interested in seeing a broad view of God, without those detailed specifics, then I will surely miss the mark and assume things about Him that are simply not true. I must seek to do both.

P) Father, I confess the truth of Isaiah 55:8, that Your ways are not my ways and Your thoughts are not my thoughts, and they are too much for me to understand fully. But, I also cling to the promise of 1 Corinthians 2, that assures me that the wisdom of Christ is mine to have through the gracious gift of the Holy Spirit. Father God, I want to understand who You are, and I want to understand Your will. So, as I study Your word each day, help me to learn the details of Your words with accuracy and intimacy. At the same time, open my eyes to see the broader view, and put the entirety of Scripture into context of who You are. Let me correctly understand and have wisdom, so that I can correctly, biblically interpret the world around me, according to Your truth. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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