Sunday, June 8, 2014

SOAP 06/08/2014; Ecclesiastes 8:11

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7, 8, 9; Ephesians 4

S) "11 Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil."

Ecclesiastes 8:11 (NASB)

O) The truth of this verse rang loud as I read it. There is tremendous mercy and love, in that the LORD is patient and slow to anger. It would be foolish for anyone to desire quick punishment from God for sins. The wages of sin is death (see Romans 6:23), but those wages are a long time coming. So, in the right context, this delay is quite the blessing. But, there is the evil, sinful nature of people. Because the consequences of sin are delayed (however severe the consequence might be), it can also tempt people to think that there is no consequence at all.

A) The first application, is that I need to remember the truest eventuality of my sins: death. Whether that is my bodily death, or the death of relationships, death of money, time, resources, the death of my freedoms - death is, without a doubt, the eventual wages of my sins. That is a motivating factor in my pursuit of righteousness (although, only a part of it).
     The second issue at hand, and possibly more important, is the raising of my children. When I discipline my children, it should be sooner than later. The more swift the discipline, the more effective it is. I am, however, lazy at times. This cannot be. It is an injustice to them, if I am not executing a sentence quickly, before their hearts can be given more to do evil. The more they can understand that the consequences of their sins are real, and the quicker they expect those consequences, the less they will judge the risks and determine they are worth it.

P) Father, I want to be an active dad for my kids. I submit myself to Your urgent, righteous discipline, to expunge laziness from my heart. May the Holy Spirit burn in me, to push me to action immediately when my children need to see the consequences of their sins. Please bless the discipline I execute, so that it will correctly shape their behaviors, according to Your will. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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