Wednesday, May 2, 2012

SOAP 05/02/2012; Matthew 19:26

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 16; Psalm 106; Matthew 19
S)"26 And looking at them Jesus said to them, 'With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"
Matthew 19:26 (NASB)
O) My littlest, Kaia, has just turned two. Like flipping a light switch, after her recent birthday she wants to push the boundaries of everything. Because of her age, we've only just started to reason with her, giving her simple explanations for the rules in our family and house. When we sit her down to talk to her, we have to say the words, "Kaia, look at my eyes." Because otherwise, she'll turn her face to us, but avoid eye contact. There's something very significant about talking to some one and specifically looking them in the eye when you're talking. Jesus and the disciples are no different. This promise He gave them here, this is a significant statement. It really cannot be overstated.
A) Like the Trip Lee song, "Limitations" I need to continue to acknowledge that I have very clear limitations. At the same time, though, it's equally important that I put absolutely no limits on God's power. Jesus' statement was all-inclusive. He didn't say, "... with God this is possible." It wasn't just this one thing, it's all things. In my life, I've seen some miracles. Some have been more impressive than others. I'm not sure any of them rival the miracles mentioned in the book of Matthew, though. But, this is why it's so incredibly important that I read the Word daily. It's not just about my testimony that will give me faith, but the testimony of men 2000 years older than me, telling of the same powerful God in their Spirit-breathed scriptures (see 2 Timothy 3:16).
P) Father, with myself or other people, things are impossible. But with You, all things are possible. God, there are some things in my life, even now, that I know are beyond me. I can thing of all sorts of ways I can try to make situations better or affect things, but I know in the end it might simply be beyond my abilities. Help me, God. Your word, Your Son told us that with You, all things are possible. Holy Spirit, move powerfully according to the will of the Father. Bring about miracles where my hands are bound. Let the power and love of the LORD shine forth and glorify Your holy name. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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